Dragonfly turned two!
His birthday buddy, Sparkles decorated the house with signs and balloons.
It was a low key celebration in the home since many of us were sick.
San Giorgio & Pier Giorgio Frassati ~ orate pro nobis
striving to radiate Him always
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: Birthday, Dragonfly
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: First Communion, First Communion JOY, Sacraments, Sweetie
Can anyone receive Jesus into his heart and not die? ~ Blessed Imelda
Sweetie received her First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 12, 2012. It was a sweet consolation for Sweetie to receive our Lord on the feast day of Bl. Imelda Lambertini, patron of First Communicants.
Lord Jesus Christ, you received into heaven Blessed Imelda who loved you in the Eucharistic banquet. By her prayers may we learn to approach your holy table with that same fervent love and so fulfill our longing to be with you, who live and reign with the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
~General Calendar of the Order of Preachers
We started formation in the home and Sweetie received formal preparation from Fr. L.
FHC Practice
First Confession – Fr. S
We moved forward with the physical details once Sweetie completed her FHC test from Fr. S.
We had initially decided to let Sweetie wear a dress from her sisters’ collection. However, Grandma & Grandpa wouldn’t have it. They contributed to Sweeties dress fund.
I found four dress and was able to narrow it down to two options. I brought them home for Sweetie to try on. She chose the simplest dress with the less “poofy” veil with the headband, of course. In typical Sweetie fashion, she changed her mind the following day. She opted to wear Rose’s Jessica McClintock flower girl’s dress with the overlay that Great Grandma Helen made for Rose’s FHC. Her veil was left unchanged.
We managed to leave the house at the right time. We said a rosary on the way to church for the intentions of Sweetie and all the First Holy Communicants.
We had plenty of time to spare before Father collected the children. Sweetie made a visit to Jesus.
She returned outside to greet her guests and visit with her friends.
Here is Sweetie with her fellow Little Flowers. There were a total of 12 LF receiving FHC.
This is Sweetie with her dear friend.
We managed to get our family pics before Mass. Hopefully someone, out there, has a decent pic of us. If not, this will have to do.
We were filled with joy for the blessed gift that Sweetie was about to receive for the first time.
The children began to line up to process into Mass.
The MC organized the First Holy Communicants.
The children re-entered the church after Mass for their enrollment in the Brown Scapular.
O God, Who hast honored the Order of Carmel with the special title of Thy most Blessed Mother Mary, ever Virgin: mercifully grant, that we who celebrate her memory this day with solemn office, may be shielded by her protection and deserve to come to everlasting joys: Who livest and reignest. ~ Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
Sweetie was blessed to have wonderful turnout of family to join her for FHC – Auntie, Uncle, Teo, T, Lea, Grandma, Uncle R, Auntie S, Uncle E, Ari, Aunt Y, Nino & Nina and three of her Godsisters. Sadly, Papa and Nana could not be physically present. Papa was in the Respiratory ICU. They were both missed but Sweetie understood that they were with her in prayer.
Sweetie with her Nino & Nina (Godparents).
We were sure not to miss a photo opp with any one of our blessed priests. We did, however, miss the presence of Fr. D. He is no longer able to travel long distances.
Sweetie received her FHC instruction and First Holy Communion from Fr. L.
Fr. M is our Pastor. Fr. S administered Sweetie’s First Confession.
There were 36 First Communicants.
Linked to First Communion JOY – Party
My Beloved Jesus,
On This Joyous Day,
I Have Been Given
The Opportunity To
Receive In Communion,
Your Body, Your Blood,
Your Spirit And
Your Supreme Divinity:
May I Prove Worthy And
Appreciative Of This Most
Scared Gift Bestowed.
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: Novena, Our Lady of Bethlehem, Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Bethlehem 1 Comment
We are starting a novena to Our Lady of Bethlehem in preparation for a spiritual and physical journey that we will be embarking on. The novena starts on Thursday, May 17th and ends on Friday May 25th . Please keep my family and our fellow pilgrims in your prayers.
The pilgrimage will be made for the following intentions:
- To make Our Lady of Bethlehem known and Loved
- In reparation for the offenses committed against the sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- For Conversion of our own hearts, our families, Town, State, Country, the World
- To pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart
- Personal reparation and private intentions of family, friends and bloggers (whom have asked for prayers)
You are invited to join the novena to Our Lady of Bethlehem.
Prayer to Our Lady of Bethlehem
Dear Lady of Bethlehem, Virgin most pure, Mother of our Savior, may the memory of the cold on the night Thy Divine Child was born bring Thy powerful intercession to bear upon the world’s coldness towards the Babe of Bethlehem. Send down into the hearts of all people some warmth of the flames of love that Thy Immaculate Heart gives forth.
Do Thou who suffered such great loneliness when Thy Son was taken from Thee, look with pity upon the void in the hearts of those who know and love Him not. Bring Him to them and with Him His Angels and Saints that they too may be our intimate friends. Do Thou who journeyed wearily to Bethlehem look down with mercy upon humankind trudging along the way of evil, lost and confused. Do Thou guide us to the path of Thy Son and the habitation He had prepared for us.
Look down with compassion upon us, as we commend to Thy maternal care the needs of Holy Mother Church, our beloved Country, our families. We all place all at Thy blessed feet. Through Thy powerful intercession may God grant to us and to the whole frightened world the grace of mutual understanding and the sacred Peace of Bethlehem.
Do Thou also regard with favor our beloved Father Junipero Serra, who brought Thy image to this land and whose remains rest in peace in Thy sanctuary. May he who in life held Thee in such great honor and who first made Thy Son known on these shores, be found worthy to have his name entered on the list of those whom the Church calls Saints.
Our Lady of Bethlehem, pray for us now, pray for us in every need, and be Thou with us at the hour of our death. Amen.
This series was written by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D… It his the author’s hope that this series of articles will encourage more Catholics to come in greater numbers to visit her and pay her homage, raising a clamor to the careless religious authorities that she should be given a place of greater prominence.
We might journey in a spirit of penance, fasting and giving alms along the way. We might do so joyously, in thanksgiving for blessings received, or in a spirit of supplication for blessings desired. Or we might do so simply to be blessed by being in the presence of holy relics or by walking on ground hallowed by Our Lord or the Saints. Whatever our more particular purposes, leaving behind what is comfortable to us and visiting a strange place is a way to get out of a "spiritual rut" and step outside our normal routines which can sometimes keep us distracted or focused on the wrong things — or perhaps focused too much on otherwise good things. When made with the right attitude, pilgrimage is a way to "lose" our lives for His sake.
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: {phfr}, Picture Recap
5.9.12 – Papi has shown an interest in track and field. Dad has been training the littles in the long jump after their swim practice while they wait for Rose to finish.
5.5.12 – I snapped a pic of Fr. S walking in the Marian Procession. I hadn’t realized the significance of where the photo was captured until I uploaded it to my comp. This pic is a great juxtaposition – Priests for Life!
5.5.12 – We hopped in the van and traveled to the moon to get a glimpse of the supermoon. Dad recalled a show from the past, The Magic School Bus. Rose was the only one who knew what he was talking about. The kids had a great time chasing the moon for a closer look.
5.2.12 – Physical exercise for everyone, including Uma. This was her first swim since we’ve adopted her.
4.28 – I love that my kids enjoy playing school just as I did when I was their age.
4.23 – Dragonfly celebrated his namesake day with a healthy treat from his Godmother.
4.23 – Dragonfly was found sleeping in the hallway downstairs when he was supposed to be snuggled in bed. Good thing dad didn’t step on him too bad.
4.22 – The temp skyrocketed to high 90s and we all needed to cool off.
4.19 – Uma gives us all a reason to get to the park on a regular basis.
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday, here at Like Mother, Like Daughter!
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: 05 May, Rogation Day
Commemoration of the MASS OF ROGATION
The death and resurrection of Jesus have opened heaven and won the grace to avoid sin and to gain eternal happiness. But many of the consequences of sin still remain; and every person has his guilt to confess and atone for. Besides, there are the countless needs of soul and body that put all men on their knees before God. Earthquakes and other calamities afflicted Europe in the fifth century and St. Mamertus, instituted a penitential procession with public supplications in his Diocese. Hence, the special days of petition, called Rogation Days, marked by a special Mass, the Litany of the Saints, and, where possible, a procession during which the Litany is sung. It is well to join penance and fasting to all prayer. In 816 A.D., Pope Leo III introduced this Mass in Rome, and soon after it became a general observance throughout the Church.
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that we, who in our affliction put our trust in Thy mercy, may ever be defended by the protection against all adversity. Through our Lord . . .
May these oblations, O Lord, we beseech Thee, loosen the bonds of our wickedness, and obtain for us the gifts of Thy mercy. Through our Lord . . .
Favorably receive our prayers, O Lord, we beseech Thee; may we in our distress be consoled by Thy gifts and grow in love accordingly. Through our Lord . . .
We beg Thee, God to bless the fields with Thy fatherly hand, to give and preserve the fruits of the earth, and as Thou fill the animals with blessings, and give them food at the proper time, so may Thee give to us also our necessary food.
Hi! I'm Lena, mama of JOYfilledfamily.
We are a traditional Catholic family striving to live for Jesus Christ in everything we do. We pray to completely surrender our will to His and to become His servants. Our mission of this blog is to share our JOY.
This blog serves as a journal of us making good memories, living the liturgical year, and our spiritual journey.