Daily Prayers
Many asked for this printable that I’ve shared here to various degrees. It is a printable that we use for our morning devotions. Each child also has their own copy.
Morning prayers should comprise adoration of the Divine Majesty, thanksgiving for His protection during the night, and consecration of the day to God’s service.
Each day, as it comes, may be the last one of our earthly lives. We should, therefore, try to keep it free from sin and fill it with good works, fruitful unto life eternal. To this end, we must purpose to please our Heavenly Father and implore His help and blessing for the day.
-From Blessed be God: A Complete Catholic Prayer Book
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During the school year, we pray our morning devotions as a family with my husband leading. We don’t keep a 6 am rise for (some of) our children during the summer but we do maintain morning devotions.
Each child will work to refine their Rule of Life for the Summer and Dad will have the final approval. They also get to write out their Summer Bucket List — things they would like to do during the “downtime.” It will be a short season for us since we’re stopping formal studies in mid-June. But I’m sure they will find a way to cram in as much as possible — a simple non-extracurricular summer is what we’re going for this year.
How about you? Do you pray as a family in the morning? What type of summer are you looking to have this year?
You can get the complete Spiritual Duties, here.

Looking to keep a rhythm during the summer and need a good place to start, get the Summer Checklists.
Holy Family of Nazareth
The Holy Family is our model. We have consecrated our family to the Holy Family and continue to seek their intercession. This is our family prayer….
Heavenly Father, you have given us the
model of life in the Holy Family of Nazareth. Help us, O Loving Father,to make our family another Nazareth where love, peace and joy reign.
May it be deeply contemplative, intensely Eucharistic, revived with joy. Help us to stay together in joy and sorrow in family prayer.
Teach us to see Jesus in the members of our families, especially in their distressing disguise.
May the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus make our hearts humble like his and help us to carry out our family duties in a holy way.
May we love one another as God loves each one of us, more and more each day, and forgive each other’s faults as you forgive our sins.
Help us, O Loving Father, to take whatever you give and give whatever you take with a big smile.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, cause of our joy, pray for us.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
Holy Guardian Angels, be always with us, guide and protect us.Amen.
~ Bl. Mother Teresa’s Prayer for Families
A new printable of this prayer will go up in prominent places within our home today, the glorious feast of the Holy Family. Click here for your free Prayer for Families printable. Additional mediation resources are listed below.
Here are images that you can use on your phone and social media.
- First Sunday After Epiphany – The Church’s Year, Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine’s
- Sermons on the Holy Family – Audio Sancto
- Learning from the Holy Family: How to Grow in Virtue
The Holy Family: The Example for all Virtues
Raising a Holy Family Amid the Culture of Death
Be Holy As The Holy Family Is Holy
The Holy Family Compared to Adam and Eve
The Errors of Russia: the Plan of Heaven — Model the Holy Family
Feminism: The Demeaning of the Holy Family
- Learning from the Holy Family: How to Grow in Virtue
- Novena to the Holy Family – EWTN
- Consecration of the Family to the Holy Family – Catholic Culture
- Papal Documents on the Family
- The Blessed Virgin and the Sanctification of the Family – Father John A. Hardon, S.J.*
- Rules for Catholic Family Life – The Gregorian Blog*
- Holy Family Holy Card Collection – Holy Card Heaven
- Holy Family Coloring Page – JOYfilledfamily
- Holy Family Printable – Making Music Praying Twice
- Prayer for Families Printable – JOYfilledfamily
Sancta Familia ~ ora pro nobis
It’s a…
Baby G4 is set to arrive in Jan 2015. We opted for a 20 (23.3) week ultrasound (9.30.14) given the past reports. The results were bitter sweet. The baby is doing fine but there was bad news regarding my anatomy. We will know more at 28 weeks (10.31.14). We continue to pray for healing, protection. and peace as we wait for better confirmation.
Prayer to Our Lady of La Leche during Pregnancy
O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long months before Your birth, I place my baby and myself entirely in Your Hands. Free me, I beseech You, from useless and consuming worry. Accept the sacrifice of my aches and pains, which I unite to Your sufferings on the Cross. Above all, most merciful and loving Jesus, protect this child You have given to me from all harm, bestowing the health and vigor every baby needs. Implant in my heart and on my lips the words and prayers of Your Mother and mine, our Lovely Lady of La Leche. All this I ask that my child and I may live to praise forever Your Holy Name. Amen.
The good news, we were able to find out the baby’s gender.
The Predictions
The Reveal
Be Courageous!
Our Lady of Bethlehem Pilgrimage
Day 1: Friday, May 25, 2012
Dad and I were convicted that the entire family would participate in this year’s pilgrimage, the Second Annual Pentecost Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Bethlehem. We prepared for this pilgrimage for almost a year. The entire family was ready to walk for Our Lord, with the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
We carried many private intentions on pilgrimage but we all shared the intention of strengthening our family virtue.
Alongside what the Church says, the testimony and commitment of the Christian family – your concrete testimony – is very important, especially when you affirm the inviolability of human life from conception until natural death, the singular and irreplaceable value of the family founded upon matrimony and the need for legislation which supports families in the task of giving birth to children and education them. Dear families, be courageous!
~Pope Benedict XVI, National day of Croation Catholic Families (June 5, 2011)
Once again, we united our pilgrimage with the Chartes Pentecost pilgrimage. My family adopted the Chartes theme.
St. Joseph was our patron for the first day. A day that started at 3am with an early wake-up call to prep breakfast for the pilgrims and hit the road for a 2.5 hr drive.
The day started with Mass at the mission prior to the 15 mile walk from Mission San Juan Bautista to Salinas.
Mass was celebrated by a newly ordained priest, Dad’s friend. He and Fr. M traveled over 2.5 hours. The chorister members in attendance sung for the Mass under Fr. M’s direction.
We embarked on the first leg of the pilgrimage at 10:30AM.
Fr. M and Fr. M joined us for the first 7 miles, along with newly ordained Fr. M’s visiting family.
There were about 34 pilgrims (including kids) on the first day.
The youngest pilgrim was Dragonfly, at 2 years old.
The first half of the first day’s walk was a grueling hike in the hills.
prayer and song
7 miles. break for fellowship and food.
It is customary for those who attend the priest’s Ordination and/or first Mass to kiss the palms of his hands which have been consecrated by holy oils.
Dad continued on with the three girls for the additional 8 miles. I took the boys back to camp to give them a break while I helped with dinner and setting up camp.
+++All for the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, all in union with St. Joseph.+++
Our Lady of Bethlehem, pray for us now, pray for us in every need, and be Thou with us at the hour of our death. Amen.
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday, here at Like Mother, Like Daughter!