You know well enough that our Lord does not look so much on the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them.
~ St. Therese Lisieux
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
October 3 feast day in the Traditional Roman Rite Calendar
I had wondered for a long time why God had preferences and why all souls did not receive an equal amount of grace […] Jesus saw fit to enlighten me about this
mystery. He set the book of nature before me and I saw that all the flowers He has created are lovely. The splendour of the rose and whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. I realised that if every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness and there would be no wild flowers to make the meadows gay.
It is just the same in the world of souls — which is the garden of Jesus. He has created the great saints who are like the lilies and the roses, but He has also created much lesser saints and they must be content to be the daisies or the violets which rejoice His eyes whenever He glances down. Perfection consists in doing His will, in being that which He wants us to be.
~St. Thérèse of Lisieux, The Story of a Soul