Catholic Life Planner
A simplified morning routine is where I’m at, currently. I’ve been led to less — less devotions, less books, and overall less distractions. But none of that has to equate to less Faith, love, or spiritual growth. In fact, it has been my experience that the opposite is true — a deeper Faith, greater love, and more fervent prayer life.
Parts of my morning routine are constants from the years (not all is pictured) but there has been one new addition, the SAINTMAKER – Catholic Life Planner.

I have been using it to various degrees over the past two years and have passively shared it with those interested, partly because I had my own routine and checklists.
Finally, a good friend convinced me to share this wonderful resource with all. She’s a real Titus II woman — a homeschooling mother of 12 with only two left in the home and an abundance of grandchildren. She reminded me that I do not need to discern for others but only share what has helped me along and trust that they WILL properly discern for themselves if something is a good fit and within their means.
The SAINTMAKER basically has everything that I’ve already been using — all in one place, perfectly bound, making it inviting and accessible. I take it everywhere I go, now!
Message me if you have questions or order from here —
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Leave a 🗓️ in the comments if you have or are looking to refine your morning routine. Share one of your non-negotiable spiritual tasks/devotions.
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Order by August 13 to get your own Saintmaker for the Fall Season. Get 20% off and lock in the price by subscribing – all seasons sent on schedule.
Use code — JOYFILLEDFAMILY for an additional 10% off.
Invocation of St. Anne
This is a prayer to St. Anne on Day Eight of the Home Education. #hsnovena

It is adapted from #MotherLoveAManualforChristianMothers by Pius Franciscus OFM, Cap (1888).

Invocation of St. Anne
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear me.
Christ, graciously hear me.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on me.
God the Sun, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on me. God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on me.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on me.
Holy Mary, daughter conceived without sin, …pray for me and for my children. Holy Mary, spotless child of
St. Joachim and St. Anne, …
St. Joachim, father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, …
St. Joachim, promised descendant of Abraham and David, ….
St. Joachim, Venerable Patriarch, …
St. Joachim, holy spouse of St. Anne, …
St. Joachim, and St. Anne, shining models of Christian spouses, …
St. Anne, royal lady, …
St. Anne, glory of the House of David, …
Continued on next page
St. Anne, faithful and loving wife, …
St. Anne, venerable model of meekness and humility, …
St. Anne, brilliant example of holy obedience, …
St. Anne, sparkling mirror of patience and resignation, …
St. Anne, perfect type of devotion and piety, …
St. Anne, tender mother of all virgins, …
St. Anne, fruitful vine, …
St. Anne, kind mother of us all, …
St. Anne, refuge of the suffering, …
St. Anne, guiding star of widows, …
St. Anne, bulwark of the Church, …
St. Anne, consoling mother of all widows, …
St. Anne, harbor of safety in the storms of this life, …
St. Anne, mother lending aid to all Christian mothers, …
St. Anne, worthy mother of the Mother of God, …
St. Anne, giving wise instruction and careful training to your children, …
Through your virtues and merits, …I implore you, St. Anne.
Through your goodness and compassion, …
Through all your gifts and prerogatives, …
Through your high vocation, …
Through your miraculous maternity, …
Through Mary, your child full of grace, …
Through the joys prepared for you on earth by Jesus and Mary, … Through the honor they now render you in heaven, …
Through your exceedingly great rapture and bliss, …
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Spare me, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear me, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on me O Lord.
Christ, hear me. Christ, graciously hear me.
Lord, have mercy on me. Lord have mercy on me.
Let us Pray
St. Anne, my dear mother and most compassionate protector, receive graciously my poor efforts to do you honor.
May I ever be devoted to you with a heart full of childlike humility and submission. May your example encourage me, your intercession strengthen me and your goodness console me. Permit me with all my heart to commend to you my children.
As you consecrated Mary, your child of grace, entirely to God, I beg you to obtain for me the grace to train up my children for Him, and with them perseveringly to labor to reach heaven.
As you lived in holy harmony and peace with St. Joachim, so may love, union, devotion, and zeal for virtue reign in my household, that we may belong to that host of blessed spouses who with you will love, praise, and glorify the Most High forever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Join the spiritual community of mothers in praying this novena for the discernment of God’s Will in our families. HOME EDUCATION NOVENA
#catholichomeschool #catholichomeschooling #catholichomeschoolfamily #catholichomeschoolmom #catholichomeschoolers #homeschoollife #homeschoolmom #homeschooling #catholicmotherhood #catholichomemaker #catholichomekeeper #homemaker #homekeeper #traditionalcatholicfamily #traditionalwife #catholicmom #catholicwife #traditionalcatholics #catholicdad #catholicfamily #catholicwomen #lexorandilexcredendilexvivendi
GIVEAWAY: A Children’s Missal
A GIVEAWAY in honor of the blessed feast of the Sacred Heart!!!

Such a gem as this did not exist when most of my children were little. I’m so thankful that it’s available now and look forward to using it for our home studies of the Holy Mass and preparation for Sundays.

The images are absolutely stunning — calming with subdued colors and rich with detail. The book size and weight are perfect for little hands — not too big or heavy to hold and not too small that it is hard to read or see images. But my favorite part is that it uses the Fr. Lasance Missal, pre-1955 Holy Mass. ➕
If you’re looking to add to your home library, study the Holy Mass, or in need of a “starter” missal for a little one in your life, this is for you!
You may order from @tanbooks. Use code JOYFILLED15 for a discount.

Enter this GIVEAWAY! 🎉
I’m giving away a copy of Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus: An Introductory Latin Missal for Children from @tanbooks
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**The giveaway closes at 11:59 pm PST On the Octave Day of Corpus Christ (June 15th) and the winner will be announced on June 16th, the feast of the Sacred Heart.
*This giveaway is NOT affiliated with IG. Must be 18+ to enter. Shipping only in the continental USA.
#catholicchildren#Catholic#catholicmom#holymass#traditionalcatholicfamily#playmasstlm#liturgicallivingtlm #catholicfamily#pre55#massoftheages#traditionallatinmass#tridentinemass#latinmass#traditionalcatholic
Courtship and the Saints
There are now coaches for everything — including wellness, finances, and life at large. But where are the elders, specifically the Titus II Men & Women?

We must seek out all we can to sanctify our lives, marriages, families — our entirety. This book gives excellent examples for us to live holy lives as we court and marry. It provides marriage coaching of sorts from our heavenly Titus II Men & Women — the best kind, that which leads us to our final goal.
It has been a perfect antidote for me during this season of exhaustion as we end another homeschool year while juggling all the demands that summer brings and constantly being confronted by the gloom of the current state of affairs with glimpses that we may be nearing end times more rapidly than once perceived. In fact, I was going to share such a warning from a holy shepherd. Instead, my recent efforts to work on gratitude while asking for the grace to live my state of life to the fullest led me to reading this book.
It definitely filled my cup, reading like multiple good love stories, much better than any romantic comedy. No over romanticizing led by passions of the flesh or wasted time on earthly things — all holy inspiration that led me to a deeper gratitude, love for my beloved spouse, and desire to be a better wife & mother — all for the LOVE OF GOD.
So, while we must wade through all the troubles that are riddling the present day, let us use all that the Good Lord has provided for us. Let us seek holy encouragement as we journey home.
Order Courtship of the Saints: How the Saints Met their Spouses from @tan_books — from here. Use the discount code JOYFILLED15 for a savings.
It is easy to read and reference as needed. Great for young people, those discerning, marriages in all states (all must be tended to), and parents who have a duty to instruct on such matters.
Drop a heart ❤️ or leave a message if you regularly tend to improving your marriage or had a blessed courtship. Leave a double heart 💕 if you’re in the season of discernment. We will keep each of you in our prayers!
💗 Lena

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