There are now coaches for everything — including wellness, finances, and life at large. But where are the elders, specifically the Titus II Men & Women?

We must seek out all we can to sanctify our lives, marriages, families — our entirety. This book gives excellent examples for us to live holy lives as we court and marry. It provides marriage coaching of sorts from our heavenly Titus II Men & Women — the best kind, that which leads us to our final goal.
It has been a perfect antidote for me during this season of exhaustion as we end another homeschool year while juggling all the demands that summer brings and constantly being confronted by the gloom of the current state of affairs with glimpses that we may be nearing end times more rapidly than once perceived. In fact, I was going to share such a warning from a holy shepherd. Instead, my recent efforts to work on gratitude while asking for the grace to live my state of life to the fullest led me to reading this book.
It definitely filled my cup, reading like multiple good love stories, much better than any romantic comedy. No over romanticizing led by passions of the flesh or wasted time on earthly things — all holy inspiration that led me to a deeper gratitude, love for my beloved spouse, and desire to be a better wife & mother — all for the LOVE OF GOD.
So, while we must wade through all the troubles that are riddling the present day, let us use all that the Good Lord has provided for us. Let us seek holy encouragement as we journey home.
Order Courtship of the Saints: How the Saints Met their Spouses from @tan_books — from here. Use the discount code JOYFILLED15 for a savings.
It is easy to read and reference as needed. Great for young people, those discerning, marriages in all states (all must be tended to), and parents who have a duty to instruct on such matters.
Drop a heart ❤️ or leave a message if you regularly tend to improving your marriage or had a blessed courtship. Leave a double heart 💕 if you’re in the season of discernment. We will keep each of you in our prayers!
💗 Lena