Courtship and the Saints
There are now coaches for everything — including wellness, finances, and life at large. But where are the elders, specifically the Titus II Men & Women?

We must seek out all we can to sanctify our lives, marriages, families — our entirety. This book gives excellent examples for us to live holy lives as we court and marry. It provides marriage coaching of sorts from our heavenly Titus II Men & Women — the best kind, that which leads us to our final goal.
It has been a perfect antidote for me during this season of exhaustion as we end another homeschool year while juggling all the demands that summer brings and constantly being confronted by the gloom of the current state of affairs with glimpses that we may be nearing end times more rapidly than once perceived. In fact, I was going to share such a warning from a holy shepherd. Instead, my recent efforts to work on gratitude while asking for the grace to live my state of life to the fullest led me to reading this book.
It definitely filled my cup, reading like multiple good love stories, much better than any romantic comedy. No over romanticizing led by passions of the flesh or wasted time on earthly things — all holy inspiration that led me to a deeper gratitude, love for my beloved spouse, and desire to be a better wife & mother — all for the LOVE OF GOD.
So, while we must wade through all the troubles that are riddling the present day, let us use all that the Good Lord has provided for us. Let us seek holy encouragement as we journey home.
Order Courtship of the Saints: How the Saints Met their Spouses from @tan_books — from here. Use the discount code JOYFILLED15 for a savings.
It is easy to read and reference as needed. Great for young people, those discerning, marriages in all states (all must be tended to), and parents who have a duty to instruct on such matters.
Drop a heart ❤️ or leave a message if you regularly tend to improving your marriage or had a blessed courtship. Leave a double heart 💕 if you’re in the season of discernment. We will keep each of you in our prayers!
💗 Lena

Keep your eyes on Him!
I’m saddened when I hear that someone thinks that I have it all together. I don’t! I post my family’s highlights on my blog. It’s easy to do since the pictures speak for themselves and require few words. It’s serves as my family scrapbook and a way to share my joy. These postings also help me to better appreciate the simple blessings that He has given me. I don’t have the gift for writing and I don’t have a camera on hand to snap me when I lose guard of my tongue, discipline out of frustration, neglect my household duties, or any other one of my many trials –the list of my failings is endless.
I am a miserable sinner, married to a miserable sinner. Together we are raising miserable sinners. We strive to become saints. I pray that we keep our eyes on Him!
"To me Jesus is the Life I want to live, the Light I want to reflect, the Way to the Father, the Love I want to express, the JOY I want to share, the Peace I want to sow around me. Jesus is my everything."
~Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
God’s hand is present at all times….last week
It’s been a long week full of trails and opportunity to rely solely on God’s providence. The three little ones and I became sick with a bad cold. It lingered but still we managed. Sparkles is the most pleasant sick child we have. She asks for little and rarely complains. That is until Sparkles fever persisted for 4 days. I took her in for a checkup and after a three hour visit she was diagnosed with the early stages of pneumonia. She was prescribed an antibiotic and sent home to recover. We gave thanks to God for her medical insurance (we have gone with out for some time), early diagnosis and the technology of medicine. Sparkles gave thanks for her time out with mom alone. Oh, the simple pleasures of being six.
This time of illness in our home has been like no other. My man (dear husband) has a new schedule that requires him to be gone during the day. In the past he has worked from home. Recently, he has taken a job that allows him to maintain a night schedule and be with us during the day. My children and I are accustomed to having him with us 24/7. He is the head of the home and I couldn’t imagine our days without him. Well, Our Gracious Lord has slowly weaned me to days without him. Currently, his school schedule requires him to be gone during the day too. We will continue to adjust and rely on Our Heavenly Father to guide us.
I had a regular check up schedule (since last month) for all my little ones on Friday, Oct. 23. I was tempted to reschedule because I didn’t want to take all the sick ones out. However, Papi woke up Friday morning not as his usual self. Needless to say, we were running late. Very late! The girls were checked and Sparkles was showing improvement but the story was not so optimistic for Papi.
He was immediately sent for a breathing treatment on a Nebulizer. This was his first treatment ever. Lets just say, it wasn’t fun. Papi is nothing like Sparkles when he is sick. He is a fighter naturally and being ill seems to give him an extra edge.
Papa’s stats after his treatment caused alarm to his doctor. She immediately sent him off for a chest x-ray and I was told that he would need to stay at the doctor’s office for 3 hours for his oxygen levels to rise. Sparkles and Sweetie were already on their second movie and although they probably wouldn’t have mind hanging around a couple more hours for a few more movies their brother, I called their Papa. He graciously agreed to pick the girls up.
Papi had his x-ray and the girls waited in the lobby with their snacks. Rose is awesome and always prepared. Praise be to God for older sisters.
Papi and I were taken directly back to the treatment room when we arrived back upstairs. The girls worked their way downstairs to be picked up by Papa. They were a little nervous to leave their brother.
Papi’s doctor meet us in the treatment room with the results from the x-ray. The news was not good. Papi had severe pneumonia in both lungs and would need to be admitted to the hospital. I gave thanks for health insurance (once again), cell phones, grandparents, medical technology and our faith.
Last week my mother added a line to her plan for my husband. We had been sharing a cell phone for a couple years now. I don’t know how I would have been able to get in touch with him had he not had a cell since he was in class for the day.
My parents have been a great blessing to me and my family. Most recently, they have provided for us during the last two-plus years while we have been but through many trials. At first it was difficult for myself to accept their help but with spiritual direction and prayer I have been able to allow Our Lord to work through my parents. They help without ever expecting anything in return and have been patient with us during this difficult time. We pray that we can glorify God and lead our family closer to Our Lord. We also pray to be able to repay my parents for their unconditional love and generosity, in anyway the Lord permits.
I waited at the doctor’s office for close to 2 hours before a bed became available for Papi. He took a cat nap, read every book and tried out the doctor’s office bathroom 3 times as we waited. I picked up my husband on the way to the hospital. It worked out perfectly since my husband’s school is near the hospital and our alternate car broke down earlier in the week.
Papi had not eaten lunch. We stopped for Taco Bell. Any fast food is a treat for us. He wasn’t thrilled but I knew it was our best hope for him to get something in his stomach. He’s room was ready to go when we arrived. It was the smoothest hospital/emergency visit we’ve ever had.
I was able to get half the burrito in Papi before all the necessary tubes and prodding started. He was excited about the cartoons, another treat for him.
His visit was set for one night but due to his need for oxygen, he’s stay was extended. My husband stood the night with him while a picked the girls up from Papa and Nana’s house.
We prayed for acceptance of God’s will.
In the morning as I prepared and debated if I should go to the hospital (due to all the Swine Flu out breaks), my husband called with wonderful news. Papi was able to be taken off the oxygen last night (Fri) and was going to be released after another breathing treatment.
The girls eagerly prepared the house for his return and I went to pick up my handsome boys.
He is now home recovering and almost back to himself. Praise be to God!
Oh Lord Jesus, let me know…
And desire nothing else but Thee.
Let me hate myself and love Thee,
And do all things for the sake of Thee.
Let me humble myself, and exalt Thee,
And think of nothing else but Thee.
Let me die to myself, and live in Thee,
And except whatever happens has coming from Thee.
Let me forsake myself and walk after Thee,
And ever desire to follow Thee.
Let me flee from myself, and turn to Thee,
That so I may deserve to be defended by Thee.
Let me fear from myself, let me fear Thee,
And be amongst those who are chosen by Thee.
Let me distrust myself, and trust in Thee,
And will to obey for the love of Thee.
Let me cleave to nothing but only to Thee,
And be poor for the sake of Thee.
Look upon me, that I may love Thee.
Call me, that I may see Thee
And for ever posses Thee.