Below is a link for Christkindl Cards that my children use to track their prayers & acts of service for their “Christ Child” throughout Advent to Epiphany (or your preferred end-date).

This creates a wonderful atmosphere of joyful suspense, kindness, and thoughtfulness. Perhaps you will find that somebody has made your bed or shined your shoes or has informed you, in a disguised handwriting on a holy card, that “a rosary has been said for you today” or a number of sacrifices have been offered up. This new relationship is called “Christkindl” (Christ Child) in the old country, where children believe that the Christmas tree and the gifts under it are brought down by the Christ Child himself.
Maria Von Trapp
The card can be used in the home for your own version of the Christkindl. It’s merely a tool to help us keep on track – offering a daily gift for Christ among those who are before us.

The boxes represent a day in Advent to Christmas or Epiphany Day. This year, Advent starts on Nov. 29, 2020. I made it blank so it can be reused each year, assigning the dates as needed.
Here is an easy overview of the Advent Season. You can post it in your home or just use it for your planning.

“O come O come Emmanuel” was taken from the Liturgy, from the antiphons. It includes the seven names that are given to Our Lord. We the Divine Office with our older children. For my littles, singing or just reading O Come Emmanuel each night after our family rosary connects them with the Divine Office.

O Emmanuel Lyrics in Latin & English – JOYfilledfamily
O Emmanuel with coordinating O Antiphons – Family in Feast and Feria
Maran Athan–Veni Domine—Come O Lord Jesus!