I give thanks for shepherds who speak truths and turn up the heat on the faithful to live radically for Christ — all for salvation of souls.
Below is just a brief excerpt from a recent 27 minute sermon that we received post election.

“This, I think, is a time for us to simplify our lives, to detach from companies that are pouring postmodernism into our minds and censoring ever more boldly any and all opposition.
Just stop giving them our money and stop giving them our data — cause that’s gold to them.
You know you say, well, I don’t pay for Facebook. Yes, you do!
Nothing is free in this life.
You give them your data and they monetize that. They sell it to the highest bidder. And we do it day in and day out. And they make 30 billion dollars, 50 billion dollars, …89 million dollars.
We need to simplify our lives.
We need to reconnect with actual human interaction, again — with family, with our faith.
We need to really take stock of these things and say:
•What value are these really adding to my life?
•Can I honestly say that I’m happier because of these things being in my life?
•Or do I just keep going back to them like an addict?”
What changes, if any, are you discerning regarding big tech, big media, big education, and the like?
You can listen to the complete sermon, here.