“…The people have spoken out in favor of traditional values, in defense of life, in defense of the family, and in defense of national sovereignty. Values that have made America great and which form the basis of your country’s freedom and peace, harmony and prosperity.

When the people do not obey media indoctrination, democracy no longer matters to the so-called Democrats: they have to resort to fraud, deception, and the manipulation of votes and consensus.
But something has gone wrong: “The snare has been broken, and we have escaped” (Ps 123:7).
As Christians and honest citizens of this great and beloved Nation — which is proud to proclaim to be under God — we have a duty to trust that justice and truth will triumph, also on this occasion.
And they will triumph not only through the honesty and fairness of so many people, but also and above all through our prayer.
As lawyers and magistrates investigate the abuses and crimes committed, let us turn to the Lord, the Supreme Judge, through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, our powerful Advocate. This is the “Supreme Court” to which we can and must appeal, that the Will of God may be fulfilled, and Truth may triumph over falsehood.
O Lord Almighty God, Most Holy and Undivided Trinity, who in Thy love hast deigned to redeem sinful man through the Incarnation and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: prostrate before Thee we invoke Thy powerful protection in this hour of great turmoil, when darkness seems to be spreading over our beloved Nation.
O Lord God of Hosts, drive back into hell the Enemy of mankind, who by Thy eternal decree is crushed by the foot of Our Mother and Queen, Mary Most Holy. Make vain the assaults of those who, blinded by vice and hatred of Thee, wish to subject our Nation and the whole world to the tyranny of sin and rebellion against Thy Most Holy Law. Grant wisdom and courage to those who are called to direct the fortunes of the United States of America, and to those who serve their country with fidelity and honor.
Lord, bless our President, our public officials, and our pastors. For those who exercise the power entrusted to them from above, obtain the graces necessary…” #archbishopvigano

Read the complete address, here.

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