Under Our Lady’s Mantle
We fight to maintain the Catholic Faith of all time — in the true priesthood, in the true Mass, in the true sacraments, and the same catechism, with the same Bible.

We pray for the grace to battle on
for the reign of Christ the King and to be protected under Our Lady’s mantle. May we not compromise at any cost but follow holy shepherds (however few there may be) who are leading the way.

We are not “sick of nostalgia,” because we are not — and we ought not be — of the world, but rather in the world.
Because the words of Our Lord are not subject to fashions or the passage of time: veritas Domini manet in æternum.
We do not long for a distant era, a golden age gone by, because we know well that the battle between Christ and Satan that began in the earthly Paradise is destined to continue and to intensify the closer comes, inexorably, the redde rationem of the last times, which will see the Archangel St. Michael drive Satan and his minions back, for the second time and forever, into the abyss.
Ours is not an attachment to the past, but rather to what is eternal.
It is not a way of escaping the challenges of the present by taking refuge in an oasis of aestheticism, because if it were so — and it is, as we know, for some so-called conservative communities — we would be guilty of trading form for substance, compromising on principles in order to preserve their external appearances. #archbishopvigano
📸My little one and I praying before our beloved Our Lady of Bethlehem at the close of our #olbpilgrimage that we were not able to physically participate in on all 3 days due to illness. The gorgeous veil is from @mantveils
#catholicchurch #californiamissions #catholicpilgrimage #traditionalcatholic #tridentinemass #latinmass #massoftheages #holymass #tradcatholic #traditionallatinmass #traditionalcatholics #romancatholic #catholicfaith #missatridentina #catholicmom #catholicmotherhood #catholicwomen #traditionalcatholicfamily #catholicsofinstagram #catholicfamily #catholicresistance
A Historic Opportunity
On the day (6.24.22) on which the Church celebrates the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and also the Birth of Saint John the Baptist, who “leapt in the womb” of his mother Elizabeth (Luke 1:41), the Lord has desired to grant to the United States of America the possibility of redeeming itself, ensuring that its man-made laws are coherent with the natural law impressed by the Creator in the heart of every person.
And this is the essential basis that is necessary for a Nation to be blessed by Heaven. One Nation under God.

I hope that the American people will know how to treasure this historic opportunity, and that they will understand that
there cannot be justice anywhere the right to abortion is recognized,
there cannot be peace and prosperity in a society that massacres its own children, and
there cannot be liberty wherever license, vice and pride subvert God’s Commandments.
Read the full letter by Archbishop Vigano, here.
The Tridentine Mass
It is enough to simply know the ratio legis to be able to reject Traditionis Custodes as an ideological and partisan document, drawn up by vindictive and intolerant people, full of vain ambition and gross canonical errors, with the intention of prohibiting a rite canonized by two thousand years of Saints and Pontiffs and in its place imposing a spurious one, copied from the Lutherans and patched up by the modernists, which in fifty years has caused a terrible disaster to the ecclesial body and which, precisely because of its devastating effectiveness, cannot permit any exceptions. Here there is not only fault: there is also malice and the twofold betrayal of the Divine Lawgiver as well as the faithful.

Bishops, priests, religious, and laity find themselves once again having to make a choice of side: either with the Catholic Church and its two-thousand-year-old and immutable doctrine, or with the conciliar and Bergoglian Church, with its errors and its secularized rites. And this happens in a paradoxical situation in which the Catholic Church and her counterfeit coincide in the same Hierarchy, which the faithful feel they must obey as an expression of God’s authority and at the same time they must disobey as treacherous and rebellious…
To think that the same Holy Mass, for which missionaries sent to Protestant lands or priests imprisoned in the gulags risked their lives, is today forbidden by the Holy See is a cause of pain and scandal, as well as an offense to the Martyrs who defended that Mass to the last breath. But these things can only be understood by those who believe, who love, and who hope. Only by those who live by God. – Archbishop Vigano

Real Martyrs
“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33).
To those who are suffering their own discrimination and the one of their beloved ones;

to those who were forced to take a *#!!+^#•+^ because the civil authority shamefully blackmailed them, with the outrageous complicity of the ecclesial authority;
to those who with courage refuse to surrender to illegitimate and tyrannical laws;
to those who are deprived of their means of support due to their coherence, I say this:
YOU are the proof that the strength and the violence of Evil can possibly affect you in your belongings, in your body and in your family; but they cannot ever, ever, strip away from you the peace of having stayed loyal to the Lord.
Do you think that the martyrs were people gifted with special powers?
The real martyrs were, are, and will be persons like you and I, persons with a thousand flaws maybe, but driven by the love for Christ, that is, driven by Charity, who are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to not renounce that supernatural and divine love.
And if they were able, with the help of God, to face death accompanied by horrible pains, do you think that you today are not able, under the mantle of the most holy Virgin Mary, to stand up against these tyrants, as cruel as they are cowardly?
Feel honored by the privilege that is granted to you of meriting Heaven: your fidelity, your strength against the impositions of a hostile power, will merit you the help and protection of Heaven even in the littlest things.
Remain in the Grace of God, which is the only good that no one can ever take away from you: all the rest will be in the hands of Her whom we invoke as the Help of Christians. And when the Virgin intervenes, Hell trembles.
Taken from an interview with Archbishop Vigano