Here’s the deal….the upcoming RULE OF LIFE meet-up that I’ve scheduled is not only for others but for myself as well.

I desired to prepare for Advent (11.27.22) and knew, from the recent questions that I’ve received, many others were desiring some refinement of their own. 💜
As I continue to plan for the meet-up to discuss all things Rule of Life, I’m reflecting on all the encouragement that I’ve received from the saints. 🔥
I’m of the temperament that likes straight talk. I do not take offense easily and try to use it all to refine me. The saints that prick me the most are my best friends. 😉
I’d love to hear what has helped you along to establish/live a Rule in your life. If you haven’t established a rule or need some guidance to living it, share your questions. 🙋🏻♀️
And to all, I invite you to the online meet-up! 💻
Message me if you missed the official invite and I’ll send you the info. 🗓
May we work to sanctify our days as we journey home. 🙏🏼