We fight to maintain the Catholic Faith of all time — in the true priesthood, in the true Mass, in the true sacraments, and the same catechism, with the same Bible.

We pray for the grace to battle on
for the reign of Christ the King and to be protected under Our Lady’s mantle. May we not compromise at any cost but follow holy shepherds (however few there may be) who are leading the way.

We are not “sick of nostalgia,” because we are not — and we ought not be — of the world, but rather in the world.
Because the words of Our Lord are not subject to fashions or the passage of time: veritas Domini manet in æternum.
We do not long for a distant era, a golden age gone by, because we know well that the battle between Christ and Satan that began in the earthly Paradise is destined to continue and to intensify the closer comes, inexorably, the redde rationem of the last times, which will see the Archangel St. Michael drive Satan and his minions back, for the second time and forever, into the abyss.
Ours is not an attachment to the past, but rather to what is eternal.
It is not a way of escaping the challenges of the present by taking refuge in an oasis of aestheticism, because if it were so — and it is, as we know, for some so-called conservative communities — we would be guilty of trading form for substance, compromising on principles in order to preserve their external appearances. #archbishopvigano
📸My little one and I praying before our beloved Our Lady of Bethlehem at the close of our #olbpilgrimage that we were not able to physically participate in on all 3 days due to illness. The gorgeous veil is from @mantveils