Protected: Ignatian Discernment Method: Making a Decision
Saints for the First Week of May
Feastdays in the First Week of May
April 26 – SOLEMNITY OF ST. JOSEPH, Spouse of the BVM
May 1 – STS. PHILIP & JAMES, App
Within the Octave
May 2 – St. Athanasius, BpCD
Within the Octave
Octave Day of St. Joseph
May 4 – St. Monica, W
May 5 – St. Pius V, PC
May 6 – St. John, ApEv, before the Latin Gate
May 7 – St. Stanislaus, BpM
In the ‘liturgical books of 1962’ the Solemnity of St. Joseph does not exist as it was suppressed in 1956 and replaced by ‘San Giuseppe Comunista’. The feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross was also struck from the 1962 calendar, kept as a IV class Paschaltide feria.

Ways To Honor The Blessed Virgin Mary In Her Month Of May:
Have a Mary Crowning at home or participate at church
Participate in a May Procession
Create a Mary Garden
Pray the full Rosary – 15 decades
Pray the Litany of Loreto
Take a Marian Pilgrimage
Grow in First Saturday Devotion
Offer/renew a Total Consecration as prescribed by St. Louis de Montfort
Pray the Regina Coeli/Angelus at all 3 hrs/daily
Enroll in the Brown Scapular
Enroll in the Sodality of the BVM (Miraculous Medal)
Share a Marian Devotion with others

Protected: Homeschooling – My Thoughts
Mary Garden
Here’s some inspiration for all those desiring to fix up their Mary Gardens or create one for the first this May, the month of Our Blessed Mother.
The Mary Garden is an old idea which dates back to the Middle Ages when many flowers referred to the Virgin’s life and virtues.
Every monastery and convent had a special Mary garden to provide flowers to adorn the altar. It was because of the abundance of flowers in May that it became Mary’s month, and the people delighted in decorating her statue and altar with flowers.
The little people found their Mary gardens in the field and forests, where so many flowers spoke to them of some aspect of Our Lady and her Divine Son.
It is said that then, in those happy days of Faith, the flowers honored Mary, the choicest Flower of All, the Mystical Rose; everyone knew that it was she of whom Solomon sang: I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
It is not difficult to make your own Mary garden…it is a grouping of flowers, ivy or herbs dedicated to Our Lady. Strictly speaking, all the plants in it should be associated with her in some way.
If you already have a flower garden, you can dedicate a part of it to the project. Start with flowers already commonly grown in home gardens in your area – no special gardening knowledge is needed. This small garden may expand and develop with time (on Our Lady’s feast days) Indoor or patio gardeners can plant different varieties of Marian flowers, herbs or ivy in a single pot, or make a grouping of plants around a statue of the Blessed Virgin
An indoor Mary garden planting in a decorative pot makes a wonderful gift for a friend or elderly person devoted to Our Lady.
The Mary garden is also a wonderful group project for the home-schooling family. All the family members can learn the charming old religious names of flowers and herbs and begin again to see the things of Heaven in the world around us. – Tradition In Action

We planted our first Mary Garden 17 years ago at the prompting of our young daughter.
It was our grandest garden which we did not get to watch take full bloom because we were gifted some major crosses shortly after. We were forever changed physically and spiritually.
Since then, we never replanted a full Mary Garden on that same scale. But we have celebrated many of her feast days with the purchase of a Marian Flower which we placed in a patio/porch garden.
We found our resources online during those early years, no children’s book to bring it all to life.
I was delighted to learn about a new release from @tan_books , A GARDEN FOR MARY by @neenagaynor illustrated by @bernadette_gockowski_art
All the boys and I took a trip to the local nursery (and invited Nana) to gather some Marian flowers and one son led the crew with his book in hand, referencing the flowers listed in the back.

This is a book I wish I had when my three girls were little! But my three little boys are loving it and my other two boys take delight in reading/listening to it.
This book is a real gem that is perfect for any month or occasion and is sure to be loved by a child of any age.
Do you have a Mary Garden or purchase Marian plants? I’d love to hear!
A Mary Garden Prayer
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
As our hearts are raised to you in love and thanksgiving through the light, grace, fragrance and symbolism of these pure, blest, transfigured flowers of Our Lady – your direct creations, showing forth and sharing with us your divine goodness, beauty and truth – we commune with you in awe and rapture and pray that we and all our brothers and sisters may be opened to the fullness of the divine love of God and Neighbor, through which we are to transform the fallen world into the culminating earthly Peaceable Kingdom and Paradise, that all may be lifted up resplendent in the eternal New Heaven and New Earth of our Crucified and Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Mary Garden Resources:
- Statues & Books for easy ordering – JOYfilledfamily Amazon Storefront
- Mary Garden Themed Birthday – JOYfilledfamily

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