“As Catholics, we know and believe that the Holy Church is indefectible; that is, that it cannot be overwhelmed by the gates of Hell, through the promise of Our Lord (Mt 16: 18).
But what we see happening shows us the reality of a terrible situation, in which a corrupt part of the Hierarchy – which I call the deep church for the sake of brevity – has totally surrendered itself to the deep state. It is a betrayal that places the Shepherds and the highest levels of the Church before a very grave moral responsibility and necessitates courageous choices by priests and laity that at other times would be difficult to adopt and justify.
We are faced with a war, an epochal clash, in which our generals not only are not leading the army to face the enemy but are actually ordering it to lay down its weapons and surrender unconditionally, driving away the most courageous soldiers and punishing the most loyal officials.
The entire general staff of the Catholic Church has revealed itself to be allied with the enemy and is itself an enemy of those it instead ought to be defending: enemy of Christ and of those who glory in serving under His banner…
Let us take note of it: Our Lord Jesus Christ not only is no longer recognized as Sovereign of nations. He is now no longer even recognized as Sovereign of His Church, in which the goal of the glory of God and the salvation of souls has been replaced by the glory of man and the consequent damnation of souls.
What was a vice yesterday is today a virtue; what was a virtue yesterday is today a vice: all the present action of the modernist sect that infests the Vatican, the Dioceses, and the Religious Orders is characterized by the overturning of what has been taught and handed down to us.
In this context of rebellion and infidelity, those who remain faithful and strive to continue doing what they have always done are made the object of a true and proper persecution. It began with the ridicule of the traditionalists, designating them as Lefebvrian or preconciliar…
Then, according to the practice that we have seen used in totalitarian regimes, good Catholics have been defined as mad or sick…”
#archbishopvigano 9.23.21 Full Transcript