Last week, in the spirit of peace, I entered into a deeper silence. It was glorious and challenging in the right ways. I give thanks for God’s grace and the dedication of my husband to sacrifice for my own salvation. This coming week will be his turn. Deo gratias!

He did an amazing job taking over all the duties — even if he missed the Jesse Tree readings which I spent hours making assessable for him, skipping the ornaments which were already catalogued by date, or forgoing our Advent Mediations which I sent to him and all the big children before going away and being completely off the grid.
All those things may have been sidelined last week but I trust that it was God’s will for my family to be drawn deeper into a silence of their own — silence which helps cultivates a peace, true peace that only Christ can bring.

He did work from home while tending to their schooling, helped our oldest daughter with her home, kept all the meals going (with some help form Papa & Nana and our resident chef), Holy Day obligation was met, our traditional Marian feastday breakfast (even if it was for dinner), took the girls gift shopping for an impromptu surprise party, prayed our regular daily family devotions and a few Advent staples, washed clothes, cleaned the house, prepped for feast days, and so much more.

I give thanks for his steadfast love which counts no cost and does what is necessary — all for the love of God.
Today, Gaudete Sunday, we are filled with Joy, knowing that the Christ Child is so near. As #domprospergueranger reminds us, “Tomorrow we will resume our attitude of servants mourning for the absence of their Lord and waiting for Him; for every delay, however short, is painful and makes love sad.”

Today, Gaudete Sunday, we are filled with Joy, knowing that the Christ Child is so near. As #domprospergueranger reminds us, “Tomorrow we will resume our attitude of servants mourning for the absence of their Lord and waiting for Him; for every delay, however short, is painful and makes love sad.”
We will go deeper into silence for further preparation of the Chirist-child, to more fully prepare our hearts as a gift to Him.
Next week will be his turn for a silent retreat and I will continue where he left off for the children. Then we will make the last week of Advent a family retreat of our own.

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