Many asked for this printable that I’ve shared here to various degrees. It is a printable that we use for our morning devotions. Each child also has their own copy.
Morning prayers should comprise adoration of the Divine Majesty, thanksgiving for His protection during the night, and consecration of the day to God’s service.
Each day, as it comes, may be the last one of our earthly lives. We should, therefore, try to keep it free from sin and fill it with good works, fruitful unto life eternal. To this end, we must purpose to please our Heavenly Father and implore His help and blessing for the day.
-From Blessed be God: A Complete Catholic Prayer Book
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During the school year, we pray our morning devotions as a family with my husband leading. We don’t keep a 6 am rise for (some of) our children during the summer but we do maintain morning devotions.
Each child will work to refine their Rule of Life for the Summer and Dad will have the final approval. They also get to write out their Summer Bucket List — things they would like to do during the “downtime.” It will be a short season for us since we’re stopping formal studies in mid-June. But I’m sure they will find a way to cram in as much as possible — a simple non-extracurricular summer is what we’re going for this year.
How about you? Do you pray as a family in the morning? What type of summer are you looking to have this year?
You can get the complete Spiritual Duties, here.

Looking to keep a rhythm during the summer and need a good place to start, get the Summer Checklists.