Rosa Mystica Girls’ Society met for our fifth meeting of the 2012-13 Session on the second Sat. of the month, January 12, 2012. There were thirty-three girls in attendance, not bad for a rescheduled meeting.
The meeting served as a break between skills (sewing and cooking). The girls met to exchange their Christkindls and have a social. Each family brought a dish to share.
Father B was teaching the Confirmation class and could not join us for his regular lessons. Father did grace us with his presence during his break and for closing, Angelus.
We briefed the girls on the virtue of piety.
Piety infuses an intrinsic love for God and devotion to those who are consecrated to God. It is an active love of God which men turn away from evil, do good and endure suffering.
Piety is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The others are:wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, and fear of the Lord.
We compared the nature of Mary and Eve to better demonstrate the ultimate example of piety. We also addressed false piety.
The Creator has so firmed the heart of women that it is specially disp
osed to piety, but if your piety is to be real and true, you must have a right understanding of false piety, so that you may avoid it carefully.
~Fr. Lasance Catholic Girls’ Guide
Lastly, we reviewed the Colors of Piety – according to Fr. Lasance.
The girls were then led in a brief overview of table manners and conversation. The goal was to set the stage for a enjoyable social that glorified God.
The social began with grace. Each table was invited to the food table for a modest first time serving. The girls were instructed to return to their tables and wait to eat until all the girls at their table were seated. It was quite lovely to see all the girls take pride in applying their manners and hospitality amongst each other.
The Chirstkindl exchange was to take place once the girls had adequate time conversing and eating.
Fr. B initiated a Christkindl for Rosa Mystica Girls’ Society. We adapted our version of the Christkindl, using the Trapp Family model.
Our Chirstkindl took the form of a prayer exchange with a small gift exchange after Christ’s Birth. You can take a look at our handout, here. Our handout included a prayer for friends, to be used in the case that the girls needed some guidance.
Each girl was given a name of a fellow RMGS member, in secrecy.
The person whose name one has drawn is now in one’s special care. From this day until Christmas, one has to pray for her as often as one can. One has to provide at least one prayer every single day–without ever being found out.
All were beyond excited to reveal their Christkindl and exchange their gift.
The girls were called up by groups. Then their Christkindl was called up, one at a time to give them adequate time to become acquainted with one another and give thanks.
AGENDA – Hospitality ~ Piety ~ Social ~ JAN
- Activity Sheet – Hospitality & Piety ~ Social– includes suggested activities to help the girls grow in virtue and Table Manners & Conversation
- Table Manners & Conversation – based on Little Women Hospitality
- Table Manners for the Home – by James Stenson
- How to Set & Clear a Table – based on Little Women Hospitality
- Diagram of Formal Table Setting – Little Women Hospitality
- Colors of Piety Card – by Fr. Lasance
We reviewed the handouts that the helpers placed in each binder and encouraged the girls to grow in piety.
The meeting closed with the Angelus, led by Father.
There was a spread of food left out that was shared amongst those that helped with some aspect of RMGS.
THANK YOU to all those that brought a dish and those that contributed your time. I realize that we all tend to have a full plate – I appreciate your willingness to look beyond your plate and offer your assistance. I pray that all of our efforts bring Glory to God.
Once again, a special thanks goes out to the A family who set-up on Friday and helped with the meeting. In addition, clean-up was taken care of by several moms and girls. Your support makes our role as leaders that much easier. Thank you and may the good Lord reward you for your sacrifice and service. ALL FOR!
Our Lady of the Mystical Rose, pray for us!