coloring page – the girls were able to get a jump start on their St. Cecilia coloring page and get a little social time.
The Colors of Piety frame – Mrs. A and Mrs. R helped the girls create a colorful piety frame.
piety pin – Mrs. Aranas was head designer at the pin station.
memory verse skip-it. – Mrs. P and Rose led physical exercise outside. The girls jumped/skipped to their memory verse. Father S attempted to join the girls but his boots were too big for the skip-it ring
Father L visited the girls. He spoke about All Souls Day and our role in praying for those in purgatory.
Activity Sheet
Piety Memory Verse
Coloring Page – St. Cecilia
The Golden Legend – A story for children by Jacob Voragine about the life and death of St. Cecilia.
St. Cecilia Bio – EWTN
St. Cecilia Bio v2 – EWTN
St. Cecilia – Audio