In response to the many questions that we have received and as a follow-up to much of what we have shared here, here, here, here, or here — we’re sharing the following links.
These are links to issues/reflections pertinent to the times that we have used for our own discernment.
We will continue to add to this list as new resources are made available. Last update 1.13.21

Shepherds who are Leading:
- Marching Orders for the Present Day — Obedience & Prudence, Liberty & Responsibility – Link to the full sermon of a holy priest (FSSP) who instructs the faithful and answers the question of what should be done during the current times. (Feast of the Holy Family) 1.10.2021

- A sermon (SSPX) explaining Just vs. Unjust Laws – Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord) 1.1.2021 – Audio of Father Steven Reuter, SSPX
- Crisis in the Church Series — Video Series by SSPX
- Spiritual Warfare & Communism Series – Video Series by Sensus Traditionis / Fr. Ripperger

- Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now – Lifesite News 6.6.20
- Archbishop Viganò Addresses the Catholic Identity Conference 2020 (Francis & the New World Order) – Remnant Newspaper 10.26.20
- Viganò’s Urgent Letter to Trump Before Election 2020 – Great Reset – Remnant Newspaper 10.29.20
- Viganò on Biden, the American Bishops, Fr. James Martin & Other Occupants of the Castle of Falsehoods – Remnant Newspaper 11.8.20
- Archbishop Viganò slams US Bishops conference for claiming Biden is second ‘Catholic’ President – 11.8.20 LifeSite News
- In preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Remnant Newspaper 12.6.20
- Archbishop Vigano lays it all out and shares how to end the deep state and deep church. – Steve Bannon’s ‘War Room’ interview with Abp. Viganò 1.4.2021 NEW
- Archbishop Viganò’s Considerations on the promotion of the vaccine by the Holy See – 1.15.2021
- Viganò issues a letter on Obedience, Resistance, Francis and Vaccines – Remnant 2.3.2021

- Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Church’s handling of Coronavirus – Remnant Newspaper 3.27.20
- Bishops who banned sacraments during pandemic behaved as ‘fake shepherds’ – LifeSite News 5.22.20
- Catholics must be Militant Christians – Lepanto Foundation Interview 9.20.20
- Coronavirus response ‘has signs of a world government’ – Lifesite News 9.28.20
- Christians must refuse COVID vaccine derived from aborted babies, even if it means martyrdom – Lifesite News 10.2.20
Religious Liberty – Catholic Victory:
- Victory for priest in CA – 12.14.20
- The case against masks, presented by a religious Sister in the form of an article from the Summa – Rorate Caeli 12.21.20
- A courageous priest (SSPX) is fighting Gov. Newsom’s anti-God tyranny – Lifesite News 12.23.20
- Interview with Fr. Burfitt – 12.22.20
Medical & Vaccinations:
- The unborn babies used for vaccine development were alive at tissue extraction – 1.12.2021 Interview with biologist, Pamela Acker — Article Video
- Bishop Schneider explains why Christians must never take abortion-tainted COVID vaccine – 12.21.20 Interview with Lifesite News
- Fr. Ripperger on Vaccinations – Dec. 2020 – 12.9.20 interview with Sensum Fidelium focusing on moral theology of vaccinations
- Pamela M.S., Author of “Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective” – 12.11.20 interview with RTF
- Dr. Theresa Deisher, Interview, The Coming Covid-19 Vaccine & Vaccinations in general 12.2020 – holds a PHD in Molecular and Cellular Physiology from Stanford University School of Medicine., founder and lead scientist at Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, and the CEO of AVM Biotechnology, and she holds 47+ patents and four discoveries in clinical trials with over 30 years of pharmaceutical leadership experience.
- Fr. Isaac Reyela – 11.21.20 Q & A, Fr. Reyela answers a question about the C-Vax and other VAXX at 44:51
- Disobey Lockdown Now – Douglas Farrow, Andrew Busch The Catholic Culture Podcast – 9.9.20
- Vaccines & the Immune System Podcast with Pamela Acker 5.29.20
- Archbishop Viganò’s Considerations on the promotion of the vaccine by the Holy See – 1.15.2021
- Catholics Must Refuse Vaccines Tainted by Abortion – 12.12.20 A Letter from One Cardinal and Four Bishops
- Bishop Strickland’s Letter: Stand for an Ethical Covid-19 Vaccine 12.8.20
- A Closer Look at US Deaths Due to C-19 – 11.22.20
- Prolife Response to Corona Virus – Susan B Anthony List
- Children of God for Life – Provide Truthful, Accurate and Updated Information, Research Facts For You, Educate The Public, Provide Seminars and Training
- Vaccination: a Catholic Perspective – Book on the Morality of Vaccinations 2020
- COVID-19 Vaccine Analysis Chart “Operation Warp Speed” – 12.4.20 Charlotte Lozier Institute
- Aborted Fetal Cell Line Products Licensed in USA & Canada & Non-Fetal Alternatives List – Sound Choice Pharmaceutical 3.2020
- Vaccine Guide – Download Studies, Inserts, and more! Read/Print for Reference
Patriots & Freedom Fighters:
- Thomas More Society – A national public interest law firm dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty.
- The Healthy American – Peggy Hall
- Kris Anne Hall – Constitutional Attorney

May we not be embarrassed or concerned about being laughed at, persecuted, or ridiculed. May we stand up and interrogate the Revolution and present our arguments in face of its smiles and ridicule. May by taking this courageous position, we also open the doors to find those who are willing to be counter-revolutionary and engage in this fight for Our Lady to the end of the path.
“Today we live oppressed in a world that is bent under the crushing weight of its own sins. In 1917, Our Lady foretold the calamity that was awaiting the modern world. At a certain moment, this collapse will come unless there is a general conversion. . .
The magnitude and the public aspect of these sins along with the refusal of the world to meet the requests of Our Lady form the basis for a great tragedy.
We must prepare for the tragedy that is hovering over the modern world. We have to face this perspective and then confide in Our Lady because, in a very real sense, this tragedy is, above all, her tragedy – it touches her in a deeper way than any of us. .
What is called for at this moment in History is for the souls to respond to the call of Our Lady, souls who will launch themselves, heart and soul, into the fight, the Counter-Revolution and the work over public opinion.“ – Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira