*Tonight, or especially tomorrow night and up to the dawn of 12 August, 1 if you look up at a clear sky in the Northern hemisphere, you may be blessed to see the Perseid meteor shower, 2 debris of the comet Swift-Tuttle whose “radiant” (point of apparent origin) is in the constellation of Perseus. This meteor shower is known as “the tears of St. Lawrence” because it is most visible at this time of year, though these streaks of light can sometimes be seen as early as 17 July and as late as 24 August.
- Coloring – Simple
- St. Lawrence – EWTN
- Audio – St. of the Day
- On the Feast of St. Laurence the Martyr – By Pope St. Leo the Great
- St. Lawrence – WF-F
- Children’s Version of St. Lawrence
- San Lorenzo Pictures with Music