The Virgin of Carmel
Moretto da Brescia c. 1522
Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice
Dinner: Mini Meatball Sandwiches
Meatball ~ Mount Carmel
Although there is no historical evidence for the pre-Christian Carmelite community, references in the 12th century record a community of monks on the holy mountain. Despite continual difficulties, the community built a monastery and church dedicated to the Virgin Mary on Mount Carmel in 1263. Saint Louis, King of France, had visited Mount Carmel in 1254, and brought back six French hermits for whom he built a convent near Paris. Mount Carmel was taken by the Saracens in 1291, and the brothers were killed and the convent burned. The spread of the Carmelites in Europe is largely attributable to the work of Saint Simon Stock (1247-65). The Carmelite Order was formally approved in 1274 at the Council of Lyon.’
Provolone Cheese ~ White for the purity of Our Lady
Bread ~ The Bread of Life, Jesus – who Mary ALWAYS leads us to
Sauce ~ The Blood of Christ that was shed for all
Dessert: Caramel Iced Frappuccino
Craft: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Tile
Additional Resources:
Mt. Carmel Talk given by Fr. Mitch Pacwa – Audio In these five video clips, I hope you come to a better historical understanding of the significance of this great feast we celebrate every year on July 16th ~ The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. ~ Fr. Mitch Pacwa
Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Resources from EWTN
Brown Scapular – Free Offer
Celebrating Our Lady of Mt. Carmel – Catholic Cuisine
Wonderful ideas, Lena! I especially love the image of Our Lady that leads your post and the beautiful tiles that you make. Looks like you had fun family time. Abundant blessings:-)