Here are some misc. items that I like to complete prior to labor, in addition to the birth plan.
Homebirth Supplies – Checklist that I use to prep for my homebirths. I like to list everything that I think I will want/need so that I can be certain that it is rounded up prior to labor.
Baby’s Call List – Template to use for contact info for those who should be notified at onset of labor/delivery. This is a great task to delegate to your children.
Door Sign – I printed several copies of this sign to post in my hospital room when I delivered baby #5, desiring for a home-like birth in the hospital. Mission accomplished!
Birthing Prayer Intentions – I create a list of all the prayer intentions of those who have requested prayers so that I can be certain to take them into labor. I post the list in a prominent location so I (or Dad) can recall the intentions while in labor.
Labor Playlist – The playlist is a culmination of meditations, prayers, and music that I gather to have on hand in the event that I need help relaxing and/or setting my eyes on God. I don’t always use this resource but I feel comfort in knowing it’s an option.
This post is included in my pregnancy reflections. You can find the other posts of my 31 Days here.