Shrove Tuesday – February 12, 2013
Seven Holy Servite Founders, Confessors, III Class
I had planned for a quite in-home celebration for Shrovetide since I was not fit to partake in our normal tradition of visiting the elderly. I was plum out of energy from RMGS bake sale & meeting, 39 weeks pregnant, and a bit apprehensive to expose myself (or family) to any illnesses. I was willing to offer it up and thought the rest of the family was on the same page.
Papi has a lovely internal liturgical radar and recalled this time of year – festivities before the desert. He specifically remembered that we usually go bowling around this time. He set the plans into action and we had an impromptu Shrovetide celebration.
It has to be experienced to be fully believed, but there is a great blessing on such a Carnival time, shared in a family. To have spent a good Carnival will finally prove to the greater honor and glory of God, in enabling us to spend a good Lent!
Ash Wednesday – February 13, 2013
We attended a local parish for 7am Mass and distribution of Ashes.
The rest of the day was a bit somber. School was done in the newest learning room, my bedroom. The littles organized all of their Lenten supplements and enjoyed some quite learning at the foot of my bed.
Dinner was as penitential as I could get, curried cream of broccoli soup. I was actually craving it but I knew it wouldn’t be a favorite for some of the kids since they prefer our traditional cream of broccoli and cheese soup.
Now it is only right that, before we arrive at that glory of impassibility and immortality which began in Christ, and which was acquired for us through Christ, we should be shaped after the pattern of Christ s sufferings. It is then only right that Christ s liability to suffer should remain in us too for a time, as a means of our coming to the impassibility of glory in the way He himself came to it. ~ Meditations for Lent from St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Valentine’s Day – February 14, 2013
St. Valentine, Bishop & Martyr, III Class
Again, my plan was to keep our Lenten program since the day was only a 3rd class feast. Each of the kids were able to have one treat in the morning in honor of St. Valentine. Everything continued to go according to plan until the girls left for chorister lessons.
The boys opted for a snack, strawberries. The strawberry snack soon turned into chocolate dipped strawberries.
I was exhausted (it doesn’t take much these days). Plans for dinner were not looking good. I got the boys ready to venture out of the house for a date night with dad. We settled on In-N-Out.
We all enjoyed our special treat. It was nice to dine with just the boys. Papi had his usual, plain hamburger with fries. Dragonfly’s appetite was slightly less than a grown man. He had one and half servings of fries with pepper and salt.
We returned home to find that Nana (broke into the house) left a special treat for everyone.
We all had a night of relaxation. The boys got ready for bed early and we prayed our rosary. Then dad’s nesting bug kicked in, that’s what happens when mom lacks the energy to have her nesting kick in – GOD IS GOOD!
Dad rallied the troops. The two boys vacuumed the stairs with the shop vac while dad deep cleaned my room. Then the boys took turns vacuuming my room and hall way. It was a wonderful St. Valentine treat for me.
Friday after As Wednesday – February 15, 2013
Friday after Ash Wednesday, III Class
The morning was spent prepping for my in-home midwife appointment.
The kids worked on their Stations of the Cross projects.
We ate our lunch in the park since the weather was absolutely beautiful and I needed the exercise.
We ended the rather quite day with Stations of the Cross in my birthing suite. We used our DVD, Way of the Cross for Children and our Stations of the Cross Candles.
The times self-indicated for fasting are then those in which men are especially bound to free themselves from sin and to raise their minds to God in devotion. ~ Meditations for Lent from St. Thomas Aquinas
Saturday after As Wednesday – February 16, 2013
Saturday after Ash Wednesday, III Class
The day was spent at home with no outside commitments. Dad coordinated a Lenten clean-up around the house and allowed me to hibernate. I seem to be coveting any quite time that I’m presented with, hoping that I’ll have enough reserve once Baby G arrives.
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. ~ John 12:24
Wonderful wrap-up! Lovin’ all the photos. 🙂 Almost there… pretty soon you’ll be holding baby!
I was inspired by your Station of the Cross votive candles…thank you for sharing!