Here is a wonderful FREE resource that can be used during Lent and all year long. I forgot to list this resource in my Lenten post.
You can read the meditations on Colleen Hammond’s site or subscribe to the email loop.
This meditation comes from a set of books written in the 1800s by Fr. M. Hamon. They have been out of print for over 100 years.
Today’s meditation is on the Three Temptations of Jesus in the Desert.
Summary of Today’s Meditation
We will meditate today upon the three temptations of Jesus in the desert, that is to say: first, an excessive care of the body and of health: second, the self-love which presumes upon itself and desires to attract notice; third, ambition and self-seeking. We will then make the resolution: first, to avoid excessive delicacy in the care of our body; second, to seek God only in all things. Our spiritual nosegay shall be the advice of the apostle St. James: “Resist the devil and he will fly from you.” (James 4:7)
Thank you for linking to these Meditations!!!
thank you for sharing. AMDG