It wasn’t an easy decision to make but it was covered in prayer and brought to direction, I have moved on from leading Little Flowers. I spent a total of six years leading a Little Flowers group for my daughters and community. Ultimately, that’s why I do it, to fulfill my vocation as a mother to my girls to serve my community – ALL FOR! It has been challenging at times due to my many limitations but Dad and the kids support me in all ways possible. A break from all leadership roles has sounded ideal to me on more than one occasion. Yet, the good Lord, often times through my husband, encourages me on – to grow, to serve, and to love!
I was led this year to step down from one role to fill another. I will now lead Rosa Mystica Girls’ Society (RMGS), a group of girls from ages 9-13, forty-one girls to be exact. A dedicated and talented mother within my parish community created RMGS. She successfully led the girls in domestic skills, devotion to Our Lady, and a baby blanket ministry for the local pregnancy resource home for several years. She had to move on from leadership this year due to a new season in her life. Her shoes could not be filled without His grace, the grace that prompted me to rally a partner and serve once again.
It also helped to have early discussions with Margaret and Jessica. It’s my hope to share (on my blog) some of what my partner and I will be offering the girls in RMGS.
Sparkles is a member of RMGS, Sweetie will spend another year in Little Flowers, and Rose continues to be actively enrolled in Sodality. I’m praying for the grace and energy to persevere in this task that I have been called to.
Our Lady of the Mystical Rose, pray for us!
I know that I stepped down from leading Little Flowers for our homeschool group after four years of doing so a few years ago. Since that time two other Little Flowers’ groups have been formed and my third daughter would so like to join one of them. Distance keeps her from the one and the meeting time keeps her from the other. Recently, a mother at our parish mentioned Rosa Mystica to me and I would so like to see one of these groups at the parish level. I know that one of the mothers in our homeschool group used to lead a Rosa Mystica group, but stopped doing so before any of my girls were old enough to participate. May God bless you and our Blessed Mother guide you.
Sounds like a great group Lena! Many blessings on you!
I have to ask your prayers too. I know you have a heart for orphans and I am hosting a fundraiser for The Little Flower Projects, a group that works with orphans in China with special medical needs. It was started by Steubenville grads. Please pray that the fundraiser goes well and please pray for Little Flower Projects!
Lena, As I commented earlier this week on your blog, you are sharing your wonderful gifts in Little Flowers with all of us mothers out here leading or starting to lead new groups. I’ve benefited immensely from your posts on LF, and will use them as a guide in this new project. I pray that Our Lady covers you in all the skills and joy necessary for your new role, and look forward to your sharing this new group with us. God bless you.
God certainly guides you to use your amazing gifts and talents for His glory. It really is beautiful to watch. What an exciting transition for you and the girls. God’s peace and joy to your heart, especially as you carry that new baby along for the ride!