It is enough to simply know the ratio legis to be able to reject Traditionis Custodes as an ideological and partisan document, drawn up by vindictive and intolerant people, full of vain ambition and gross canonical errors, with the intention of prohibiting a rite canonized by two thousand years of Saints and Pontiffs and in its place imposing a spurious one, copied from the Lutherans and patched up by the modernists, which in fifty years has caused a terrible disaster to the ecclesial body and which, precisely because of its devastating effectiveness, cannot permit any exceptions. Here there is not only fault: there is also malice and the twofold betrayal of the Divine Lawgiver as well as the faithful.

Bishops, priests, religious, and laity find themselves once again having to make a choice of side: either with the Catholic Church and its two-thousand-year-old and immutable doctrine, or with the conciliar and Bergoglian Church, with its errors and its secularized rites. And this happens in a paradoxical situation in which the Catholic Church and her counterfeit coincide in the same Hierarchy, which the faithful feel they must obey as an expression of God’s authority and at the same time they must disobey as treacherous and rebellious…
To think that the same Holy Mass, for which missionaries sent to Protestant lands or priests imprisoned in the gulags risked their lives, is today forbidden by the Holy See is a cause of pain and scandal, as well as an offense to the Martyrs who defended that Mass to the last breath. But these things can only be understood by those who believe, who love, and who hope. Only by those who live by God. – Archbishop Vigano

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