A yummy and semi healthy treat.
I found my inspiration from here.
I used a boxed brownie mix and did not use the suggest cream cheese spread.
striving to radiate Him always
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: Recipe, St. Valentine's Day
A yummy and semi healthy treat.
I found my inspiration from here.
I used a boxed brownie mix and did not use the suggest cream cheese spread.
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: 08 August Saints, Little Flowers, Love of Our Neighbor, St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Jane Frances Fremiot, Baroness de Chantal, the foundress and first Mother Superior of the Order of the Visitation, is honored by the Church for the holiness of her youth, of her married life, of her widowhood, and of her life in religion.
"One thing alone is necessary: it is to have God. In short, then, no matter what is going on, we must hold both our attention and our love on God, not wasting our time in studying what is happening to ourselves or what its cause is. Our Lord asks this of us." ~ St. Jane Frances de Chantal, (56) Wings to the Lord: Thoughts on Prayer by St. Jane Frances de Chantal
August 21st in the Traditional Calendar ~ August 18 New Calendar (USA)
Born of noble parents at Dijon in Burgundy, Jane Frances Frémiot de Chantal lost her mother while she was still a girl, and commended herself to the care of the Virgin Mother of God. Her father gave her in marriage to the Baron de Chantal, and she showed herself to be a valiant woman above all others, making herself all things to all persons. When her husband was killed while hunting, she made a vow of continence, and she so mastered herself that she did not hesitate to act as godmother to the son of the man who killed her husband. Lest later on she should be moved from her determination to observe chastity, she renewed her vow and inscribed the most holy Name of Jesus on her breast with a hot iron. With St. Francis de Sales as her spiritual director, who taught her the divine will, she laid the foundations of the religious Institute of the Visitation of Holy Mary, which she spread fare and wide. Finally she bound herself by a vow always to do what she understood to be most perfect. Full of merits, she went to the Lord on the 13th day of December, 1641, at Moulins, and was enrolled among the Saints by Clement XIII.
"Often pray spontaneously to God, whenever you can, and in whatever setting, always seeing God in your heart and your heart in God." ~ St. Francis de Chantal
At the age of twenty-one Jane married the young Baron de Chantal,
Jane in her widow’s veil.
"Love! love! love! my daughters; I know nothing else." ~ St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Jane receiving the Constitutions for her community from Francis.
”You have sent me the leaves of the tree: send me some of its fruits, in order that I may judge of them; I set little value on simple leaves. All I can say at present is that the fruits of a good heart that God nourishes are total oblivion of self, an unbounded love of humiliations, and a limitless joy for all that is done to advance God’s glory." ~ Saint Frances de Chantal
"If we patiently accept through love all that God allows to happen, then we will begin to taste even here on earth something of the delights the saints experience in heaven. But for this we must serve God willingly and lovingly, seeking to obey the Divine Will rather than to follow our own inclinations and desires. For the perfection of love demands that we desire for ourselves only whatever God wills. Let us implore the good God unceasingly to grant us this grace!"
~St. Jane Frances de Chantal
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: Crafts, St. Valentine's Day
My girls are out growing my bows. I think I may have burnt them out. I couldn’t resist, they had a head full of hair since birth.
They both are fond of a decorative clip. I made a version of a decorative felt clip for 4th of July and decided to recreate the clip for St. Valentine’s Day.
The girls can now make their own decorative clips. They will be making the basic heart clips as an early St. Valentine’s treat for their friends. Their friends will be able to take the clips home to embellish on their own, in time for St. Valentine’s Day.
Create a heart template out of cardstock.
Cut your felt to the desired sizes. I fold my heart and felt in half when cutting.
Tack the hearts together using a hot glue gun.
Hot glue the heart onto the clip.
Sparkles chose a glitter-puff sticker of Christ the King for her heart clip. I reinforced the sticker with hot glue. The clip can be put everywhere.
Sweetie chose to adhere heart to a headband. It can also be clipped to a shirt.
I clipped it to the ribbon that was attached to this basket.
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: Candlemas, Crafts, Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
I hadn’t planned a craft for any of the feast days this week since I’m prepping for my next Little Flowers meeting. I was delighted to find Tiffany’s ~ Family at the Foot of the Cross post on the Presentation of the Lord. She shared a simple and inexpensive craft, Crafty Paper Candles.
I couldn’t pass it up. I had everything on hand.
Tiffany gives a complete tutorial and prayer. Check it out here.
Candlemas Candles
apply glue to the tp roll.
adhere the paper towel to the glued tp roll. tuck in the top and bottom edges.
cut your picture decal. we used images from printed images and old catalogs.
glue the image to the candle.
create the flame.
layer a red, yellow and orange piece of paper. cut out a flame from the layered papers. cut out the middle of the red flame. cut out the middle of the orange flame.
glue the layers together.
glue the flame to a popsicle stick (wick). fold back the edges and glue and on the reverse side of the popsicle stick. (I used a hot glue gun for a quick set)
crumble a half sheet of paper towel.
snip the center of the paper towel.
insert the popsicle stick w/ flame into the paper towel.
insert the paper towel and popsicle stick w/flame into the tp roll.
let dry.
papi’s bedroom altar
the children placed their candles on their bedroom altars.
O Lord Jesus Christ, the true Light who enlightenest every man that cometh into this world: pour forth Thy blessing † upon these candles, and sanctify † them with the light of Thy grace, and mercifully grant, that as these lights enkindled with visible fire dispel the darkness of night, so our hearts illumined by invisible fire, that is, by the splendor of the Holy Spirit, may be free from the blindness of all vice, that the eye of our mind being cleansed, we may be able to discern what is pleasing to Thee and profitable to our salvation; so that after the perilous darkness of this life we may deserve to attain to neverfailing light: through Thee, O Christ Jesus, Savior of the world, who in the perfect Trinity, livest and reignest, God, world without end. Amen.
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: GFG, Picture Recap
JAN 2011
christmas 2010 recap. baby’s 1st christmas.
1.1 – new year’s coloring fun.
1.4 – sparkles’ battle wound from a round of play fighting – chip in her permanent front tooth. she had to wait a day for repairs.
1.5 – my first boy’s haircut. i’m going to have to learn how to cut his hair fast. he does not like the cut hair on his body.
1.7 - dad’s soccer debut. dad was invited to play with parish young men, dads and father. his first time playing a game of soccer and he scored two goals. i was the ultimate winner since dad finally admitted (after 15+ years) that soccer is the most physically demanding sport that he has played (b-ball, football, and baseball). that’s right, more demanding than his beloved basketball.
1.8 – papa’s birthday that was postponed due to sick kids.
1.11 – dragonfly helping me cook chicken enchiladas, after my workout.
1.14 – homemade cinnamon rolls. 1 batch made 60 rolls. thankfully, we made the batch with friends.
1.15 – rose and i before our 8 mile run. my feet after my first barefoot 8 miler. i haven’t worn shoes since. i now have 45+miles logged.
1.28 – free-cycle rocker re-do. it only took me 3 years to start this project. it took me 5 hours to finish it. according to sweetie, “it took ALL day!”
.1.29 – semi-homemade dessert. strawberry lemonade cupcakes. rose’s new favorite.
1.30 – dad’s b-ball game. he was invited last min. by father o after sun Mass. it was a fundraiser bball tournament for the parish school. dad’s team was called father and sons. his team won! (i’m sure it helped that dad plays bball with father on a weekly basis.)
Totus tuus ego sum, et omnia mea tua sunt, O Virgo, super omnia benedicta. ~ St. Louis de Montfort
I am all yours, and all that is mine is yours, O Virgin, blessed above all. ~ St. Louis de Montfort
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: 02 February Saints, Candlemas, Chruching of Women, Marian, Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Candlemas) The Feast of Candlemas, which derives its origin from the local observance of Jerusalem, marks the end of the Feasts included in the Christmas cycle of the liturgy. It is perhaps the most ancient festival of Our Lady. It commemorates, however, not only the obedience of the Blessed Virgin to the Mosaic Law in going to Jersualem forty days after the birth of her Child and making the accustomed offerings, but also the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, and the meeting of the Infant Jesus with the old man Simeon — the Occursus Domini, as the Feast was originally termed. This is the principal theme of the liturgy on this day: Jesus is taken into the Temple "to present Him to the Lord." So the Lord comes to His own Temple, and is met by the aged Simeon with joy and recognition.
The procession on this day is one of the most picturesque features of the Western liturgy. The blessing and distribution of candles, to be carried lighted in procession, preceded the Mass today — a symbolic presentation of the truth proclaimed in the Canticle of Simeon: Our Lord is the "Light for the revelation of the Gentiles." The anthems sung during this procession, eastern in origin, well express the joy and gladness of this happy festival, and the honor and praise we give to our Blessed Lady and her Divine Son by this devout observance.
Lumen ad revelationem gentium: et gloriam plebis tuae Israel.
A light for the revelation of the Gentiles: and for the glory of Thy people Israel.
Today we are celebrating the Purification of The Blessed Virgin Mary – Candlemas(Extraordinary form). We are reflecting on the day of purification, renewal, and hope.
Today is the end of the Christmas season in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. We will be taking down our Christmas Tree and Nativities.
We were blessed to be able to attend morning Mass at a local Novus Ordo parish, as a family but are sad that we will not be able to attend the evening High Mass (in the Extraordinary Form) at our Parish. I posted a video below of a Candlemas Procession. It is a beautiful tradition (that we will miss today).
Anthem sung During the Procession
Adorn thy bridal-chamber, O Sion, and welcome Christ the King: with loving embrace greet Mary who is the very gate of heaven; for she bringeth to thee the glorious King of the new light: remaining ever a Virgin yet she bearest in her arms the Son begotten before the day-star: even the Child, whom Simeon taking into his arms, declared to the peoples to be the Lord of life and death, and the Savior of the world.
On this day, I’m are also giving special thanks for the blessed custom of Churching of Women.
Churching of Women is imitative of the day, which we commemorate on 2 February (Candlemas), that Mary underwent her "purification” (ceremonially speaking and in obedience to the Old Law) and presented her Son in the Temple to Simeon. ~ Fisheaters
June 4, 2010
Churching of Women Ritual ~ Baptism of Dragonfly
Churching of Women:
Churching is the woman’s way of giving thanksgiving to God for the birth of her child, and predisposes her, through the priestly blessing that is a part of the ritual, to receive the graces necessary to raise her child in a manner pleasing to God.
The Ritual
The woman will make arrangements with her priest (ideally, the priest should know the women of his parish and make the offer to her).
At the appointed time, she will kneel in the Narthex, holding a lighted candle. The priest, wearing a white stole, will bless her with holy water, and say:
ANT. She shall receive.
Psalm 23 1
The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and all they that dwell therein. For He hath founded it upon the seas; and hath prepared it upon the rivers. Who shall ascend into the mountain of the Lord: or who shall stand in His holy place? The innocent in hands and clean of heart, who hath not taken his soul in vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbor. He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and mercy from God his Savior. This is the generation of them that seek Him, of them that seek the face of the God of Jacob. Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: and the King of glory shall enter in. Who is this King of glory? the Lord Who is strong and mighty: the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: and the King of glory shall enter in. Who is this King of glory? the Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Glory be to the Father.
ANT. She shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and mercy from God her Savior: for this is the generation of them that seek the Lord.
The priest places the end of his stole in the woman’s hand and leads her into the church while saying:
Enter into the temple of God, adore the Son of the blessed Virgin Mary, who gave you fruitfullness of offspring.
Outside the sanctuary, the mother kneels before the Altar and prays, thanking God for her child.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. (Now the Our Father is said silently)
Almighty, everlasting God, through the delivery of the blessed Virgin Mary, Thou hast turned into joy the pains of the faithful in childbirth; look mercifully upon this Thy handmaid, coming in gladness to Thy temple to offer up her thanks: and grant that after this life, by the merits and intercession of the same blessed Mary, she may merit to arrive, together with her offspring, at the joys of everlasting happiness. Through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
The priest sprinkles the mother with holy water in the shape of a Cross.
The peace and blessing of God almighty, the Father + and the Son and the Holy Spirit, descend upon you and remain forever.
R. Amen.
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: 01 January Saints, St. John Bosco 2 Comments
"It is not enough that you love them, they must know they are loved." ~ Don Bosco
Traditional & New Calendar January 31
St. John Bosco was born on August 16, 1815, in a small town not too far from Turin, Italy. His father died when he was two years old. He was raised with tender love, yet firm discipline, by his mother, Margaret. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1841 and went to work in Turin, where the industrial revolution was attracting waves of young people to the city. The misery and abandonment of these youngsters moved John Bosco deeply.
He dedicated his life to them and began youth clubs for them. He then started hostels and boarding schools, where he taught them trades. In 1854 he founded the Salesian Society and in 1872, the Salesian Sisters to work for girls. Three years later, he sent the first missionary group to Argentina. His work spread throughout the mission world and today more than half the Society works in mission lands.
The educational philosophy of John Bosco can be condensed in three words: reason, religion, and kindness. The basic principle of his system was a deep understanding and love for young people and their problems.
John Bosco died on January 31, 1888. Today the Salesian Family numbers 40,000 members working in over 100 countries.
Patron: Apprentices; boys; editors; Mexican young people; laborers; schoolchildren; students; young people.
"Receive the sacraments often; be devoted to the Blessed Virgin; consider bad books worse than a plague; avoid bad companions even more than poisonous snakes." ~ Don Bosco
Prayer To Our Lady, Help Of Christians
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christian,
how sweet it is to come to your feet
imploring your perpetual help.
If earthly mothers cease not to remember their children,
how can you, the most loving of all mothers forget me?
Grant then to me, I implore you,
your perpetual help in all my necessities,
in every sorrow, and especially in all my temptations.
I ask for your unceasing help for all who are now suffering.
Help the weak, cure the sick, convert sinners.
Grant through your intercessions many vocations to the religious life.
Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians,
that having invoked you on earth we may love and eternally thank you in heaven.
~ St. John Bosco
Never send negligent pupils out of the classroom. Be patient with their light-mindedness." ~ Don Bosco
"The Salesian way of educating the young is quite simple. Basically, I insist on letting boys be boys. Let them play and enjoy themselves as much as they want as long as God is not offended. But if I have a philosophy of education, it consists in discovering a boy’s best qualities and then exploiting them to his advantage. You must admit, sir, that any person is at his best when he is doing what he likes and does best. Children are the same. Promote their positive qualities and they will thrive. As for discipline—love and respect for the young is the answer. In the 46 years I have worked among children, never once have I had to resort to corporal punishment, which by the way is very much in vogue. And if I may say so, all those children who have come under my care have always continued to show me their love and respect." ~ Don Bosco
"Make the Exercise for a Happy Death every month; make it well, make it unfailingly well!" ~ Don Bosco
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: 01 January Saints, Mother of Mercy, St. Peter Nolasco
Sell what you possess and give alms. Make to yourselves bags which grow not old, a treasure in heaven which faileth not: where no thief approacheth, nor moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~GOSPEL Luke. 12. 32-34
Traditional Calendar January 28
Peter Nolasco was born of a noble family at Recaudun, near Carcassonne, in France, and lost his parents while still young. In consequence of his horror of the Albigensian heresy, he sold his estates and withdrew into Spain. Here, as he was praying one night, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him in a vision, and gave him to understand that it would be most pleasing to her Son and herself, if he would found an order of religious men, whose chief duty it should be to effect the redemption of Christian bondsmen out of the hand of the infidels. And so, together with St. Raymund Pennaforte and King James I of Aragon, who had been told the same thing by the Mother of God on the very same night, he founded the Order of the Blessed Mary of Ransom for the Redemption of Captives. The members add a fourth vow that they will be ready to remain as hostages in the hand of the infidels if this were needed to free Christians. He was refreshed by frequent apparitions of his Guardian Angel, and of the Virgin Mother of God ; and when he had attained a good old age, he died a holy death at midnight between the 23rd and 24th of December, in the year 1256. ~Roman Breviary
Practice of Merciful Charity – The passion for freedom creates in Mercedarians the mystique of the liberation of those brothers and sisters who are in the power of the enemies of the faith. The first Mercedarian Constitutions insist repeatedly on affirming that the mission or goal of the Institute is to visit and to free Christians who are in the power of the Saracens or other enemies of the faith. In order to liberate Christian captives, this mystique encourages the use of every licit recourse, including the one inspired by the greatest charity: Giving one’s own freedom and life!
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: 01 January Saints, 09 September Saints, Patron Saint, St. John Chrysostom
"He became what we are, that we might become what He is." ~ St. John Chrysostom
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Traditional Calendar January 27 ~ New Calendar September 13
Archbishop of Constantinople in the fourth century, John was surnamed Chrysostom, "the golden-mouthed," because of his moving eloquence. His gifted pen, as well as his sermons drew many to Christ. The saint’s courageous condemnation of sinfulness brought him exile and all manner of ill-usage from his persecutors. Solicitous for the poor of Constantinople, St. John also looked beyond the boundaries of his episcopal see, and sent out missioners among the Scythians, Persians, and Goths. With the praise of God on his lips, this great Doctor of the Eastern Church died in exile on September 14, 407.
“Prayer is the light of the soul, giving us true knowledge of God. It is a link mediating between God and man. By prayer the soul is borne up to heaven and in a marvellous way embraces the Lord. This meeting is like that of an infant crying on its mother, and seeking the best of milk. The soul longs for its own needs and what it receives is better than anything to be seen in the world.” ~ St John Chrysostom (Hom 6 on Prayer)
“True Peace comes from God” ~ St. John Chrysostom, PG 61:14
"When Mass is being celebrated, the sanctuary is filled with countless angels who adore the divine victim immolated on the altar." ~ Saint John Chrysostom
by Lena {JOYfilledfamily} Filed Under: Pro-Life, Walk For Life
We are preparing to attend the 7th Annual Walk for Life WC.
Here is a Playlist of some Pro Life music with a powerful message.
Please note that some of the content is graphic.
turn off the music (located in the bottom left column) before playing the music or video
Hi! I'm Lena, mama of JOYfilledfamily.
We are a traditional Catholic family striving to live for Jesus Christ in everything we do. We pray to completely surrender our will to His and to become His servants. Our mission of this blog is to share our JOY.
This blog serves as a journal of us making good memories, living the liturgical year, and our spiritual journey.