Ash Wednesday is February 17 this year. Septuagesima in 2021 starts on Sunday, January 31. Septuagesima is the season that prelude to the penitential mortifications of Lent and is a time to prepare.
The Church, therefore, has instituted a preparation for the holy time of Lent. She gives us the three weeks of Septuagesima, during which she withdraws us, as much as may be, from the noisy distractions of the world, in order that our hearts may be the more readily impressed by the solemn warning she is to give us, at the commencement of Lent, by marking our foreheads with ashes.
The Liturgical Year by Dom Guéranger, Septuagesima
At the request of my (oldest) children, I completed our staple Lenten resource for our home. It’s not grand by any means but it goes to show that a simple visual can have a great impact on all ages.

Please do not think that your Lenten plans must be extravagant or lengthy. There are many fruits to be found in a simple rhythm during all seasons, especially in the most penitential season of the year.
The institution of Lent is thus brought before us with everything that can impress the mind with its solemn character and with its power to appease God and purify our souls. Look beyond the little world that surrounds us and see how the entire Christian universe is, at this very time, offering forty days’ penance as a sacrifice of propitiation to the offended Majesty of God.
Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B.’s The Liturgical Year.
As always, you are invited to use this Lenten Calendar for your personal use.
A suggested donation amount has been set for this year’s Lenten Calendar — $4. This is only a suggested donation, it can be increased or decreased as you wish.

If you are unable to pay, please do not let that stop you from using this resource.
- You may download and print the calendar for your personal use.
- You may also link to this post but please do not link directly to the file download.
- Email me at JOYfilledfamily{at}gmail{dot}com if you need my assistance.
- This year’s calendar prints best as 12×18 or 24×36.
- Costco Photo has always been the best option for speedy and inexpensive printing ($3.99). (Crisp printing on sturdy photo stock. The image may need to be adjusted by the photo dept. to print brighter.)
- Staples offers an inexpensive printing option. This Calendar can be printed as a 24×36 “Blue Print” ($3.50). (It’s thin paper but large with bright images and easy to read.)
Includes 2 variations of the 2021 Lenten Calendar!
O most benign Jesus! who didst so desire to suffer for us, grant, that we may willingly suffer for love of Thee; that we may hate and flee from the detestable pleasures of the world and the flesh, and practice penance and mortification, that by so doing we may merit to be released from our spiritual blindness to love Thee more and more ardently, and finally possess Thee forever.
2021 Lenten Calendar Guide
- The bottom portion of each day represents the feasts and ferias proper to the season for the Extraordinary Form
- Saints listed without a notation are from the Extraordinary Form liturgy
- Saints are listed on Feria Days so we can invoke their intercession on their patronal feastday.
- Saints listed with “H” are from the Historical calendar
- Each saint featured by a picture is identified by the name immediately above the image (aside from First Saturday)
- This calendar is the work of a lay Catholic for one’s personal observance of Lent and private devotions