“…your chances to grow in holiness, your chances to conform your will to God’s, to unite your will with His, your chances to live and teach your children love, are about to multiplied.”
There are many reflections playing in my head and stirring my heart. Many of which center around my current state in life and need for refinement as my family gears up for a “new” school year. Why Homeschool is brief audio meditation from Luke 1128 for you to listen to as you embark on a new school year. It’s a short encouraging reminder to fight the good fight, to remain steadfast in peace, and to unite our will with His at all times. DEO GRATIAS!!
May you have a blessed school year that is fully united to His will!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
“Remember success in homeschooling is not about reaching a certain goal or end but rather in the doing of it, and that is why it is so difficult – to strive especially when victory seems so far away or impossible. Be at peace and treat each moment as God’s precious gift for you.”