I desired to adopt a word for the year. It was a fruitful exercise for me last year and felt that I could use a simple reminder of His call for me.
I struggled with coming up with a word. Finally, I asked Dad to pick one for me. He told me to go to my saint for the year, St. Mary Magdalen Pazzi. Praise God for the headship of my family. It was the exact place that I needed to go. The word was immediately made known. It’s not original or flashy–the word is PRAY.
Everything starts with prayer. Prayer is where I hear His voice. Prayer in Adoration, in celebration of the Mass, in my work, in times of trials, in times of jubilation, in union with Dad, with my family, for others, united in sacrifice and penance, in the tears that I shed,….I must pray in all things at all times.
I desire to do all things for the greater glory of God and I trust that, through prayer, He will show me the way.
I’m not abandoning any of my previous words. In fact, through this practice, they have been imprinted on my heart. Perfection is not sought. My goal is only to move closer to Him and do His will.
“Our prayer must be humble, fervent, resigned, persevering, and deeply reverent, for we must reflect that we are in the presence of a God and speaking with a Lord before Whom the Angels tremble out of respect and fear.” ~ St. Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi
In His JOY,