We celebrate the feast of St. Stephen the First Martyr with a great devotion. He is the first martyr and patron of our parish & the patron of the Confraternity that my boys are honored to be enrolled in.

Currently, we have four of our five boys serving at the altar. The oldest of the five was promoted to the highest honors of MC having studied diligently with Father’s guidance to serve as MC for Solemn High Mass. The next in line received his medal for Thurifier. The third has advanced to Torch Bearer. The fourth is eagerly following in their footsteps. We all look forward to when our littlest one can join them to serve at Holy Mass.

We assisted at a Solemn High Mass for the special feast and ceremony.
In the past, Father emphasized the next step for altar servers, the priesthood for those who answer the call to give their entire life for Christ. And he addressed the general call for all — to serve.
To further impress the significance of the guild and its patron to the young men and all the faithful, Father reviewed the guild’s rich symbolism. Below is a snippet of what was shared.
Guild’s logo and motto:
Cui Servire Regnare Est
Latin for “He who serves reigns” or “To serve is to reign”.
It is in imitation of Our Lord, Who did not come to be served, but to serve. Blessed is he who serves the Lord at His Holy Altar.
One of the symbols attributed to the Martyrs. It is the crowning triumph of giving one’s life completely to Christ. Saint Stephen has the distinction of being the Protomartyr, or the first Martyr to shed his blood and die for Christ and His Kingdom.
The Palm of Martyrdom is another symbol attributed to the Martyrs. The palm symbolizes the triumph of the spirit over the flesh in the earthly battle for eternal salvation.
An ancient monogram for the name of Christ, which combines the Greek letters X and P. It was the symbol of victory that Christ revealed to Constantine: In hoc signo vinces!” “In this sign you shall conquer!”
Red cord
The medal is hung from a red cord worn which symbolizes the blood that St. Stephen the Protomartyr shed for Christ.
➕We pray that our boys always offer themselves to God almighty, to blessed Mary, our Mother and to their holy patron, St. Stephen.

🎥An overview of the Medal Ceremony for the Guild on their patronal feast — not all altar boys were in attendance. #jffaltarguild