We had a great turn out! All 13 girls were in attendance. Angelica provided a wonderful Lenten snack, fresh fruit. The girls listened to a Glory Stories CD – St. Katharine Drexel while finishing their snack. They all took special notice of St. Katharine’s generosity. Specifically, St. Katharine Drexel was aware that all things belong to God the Father and that we are to give from our first fruits. The girls were asked to work on ways that they can practice their generosity.
The girls received their activity sheets. They also received a packet of African Daisy seeds. The daisy was the flower chosen to represent generosity. The selection of the African daisy was chosen to represent the people that St. Katherine Drexel was called to serve.
A popular annual that is chosen for its sunny disposition and long bloom season. Also known as Cape Marigold, the African Daisy (Dimorphotheca Sinuata Mix) starts to bloom in May (the Month of Mary), with a vibrant display of yellow, orange and white flowers. This plant does loves full sun locations but does not grow well in high humidity and prefers well drained soil.
The girls’ binders were updated. Hopefully the girls will be drawn to work in their binders to grow in virtue and knowledge of the saints.
We started a collection of canned food items for the local Food Bank. This was for the girls to have an opportunity to practice an act of generosity. All items will be donated to the Food Bank in the name of St. Katharine Drexel and our Parish. The canned food drive has also been extended to the parish. The collection box is located in the vestibule. Collection will end on Wednesday, March 24.
In addition to our saint & virtue study, we created Resurrection Eggs. Resurrection Eggs are a great manipulative to help the children meditate/recall Christ’s Passion and Resurrection. Each egg contains something that symbolizes Christ’s Passion and/or Resurrection. There is a script that goes along with the eggs. The girls were encouraged to share their project with their family throughout Lent.
Resurrection Eggs