![Our Lady of Fatima](https://joyfilledfamily.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/our-lady-of-fatima1a-239x300.jpg)
On this day in 1917, Our Lady made her first appearance to three shepherd children, Jacinta (age 7), Francisco (age 9) and Lucia (age 10), at Fatima in Portugal. She appeared to them once a month from May through October. The lives of the three children of Fatima were entirely transformed by the heavenly apparitions. While fulfilling the duties of their state with the greatest fidelity, those children seemed now to live only for prayer and sacrifice, which they offered in a spirit of reparation to obtain peace and the conversion of sinners. They deprived themselves of water during the periods of great heat; they gave their lunch to poor children; they wore around their waists thick cords that even drew blood; they abstained from innocent pleasures and urged one another to the practice of prayer and penance with an ardor comparable to that of the great saints. ~more info can be found at Our Lady of the Rosary Library
We were blessed to be able to celebrate Our Lady of Fatima.
The evening started with a procession.
A Mass followed.
Lastly, we were blessed to have a spiritually inspirational talk given by Fr. Berg, FSSP Superior General. He spoke of his travels around the world. He urged us to be thankful for what we have been blessed with at our parish because the times we live in are bringing many challenges. Fr. Berg sited his visit with Pope Benedict XVI. He emphasized the need for us to turn to Mary and heed her requests.