Day Four of the Home Education #hsnovena

Below is a prayer for mothers, adapted from #MotherLoveAManualforChristianMothers by Pius Franciscus OFM, Cap (1888).

My Vocation as Educator
Most gracious God, You have charged me with the sobering task of educating these children with which You have blessed our family. In Baptism, You have made them Your own, and now You have entrusted them to me, that I may rear them in supernatural love toward You and educate and train them in all of the knowledge required to form them into the Godly adults that you created them to become.
This task so far exceeds the abilities of Your humble servant but in confidence I turn to You, O God, trusting in your almighty power and the inexhaustible graces that you make available to me.
Help me to form these children to each one’s greatest potential in both intellect and virtue.
Give me a greater portion of each of the fruits and gifts of Your Holy Spirit that I may perfectly execute my duties as their teacher.
Grant that these children may ever look upon their divine sonship as the highest good that they possess on earth and may they at last die in full possession of it. Amen.
Receive also Almighty God these specific requests related to my role as educator…and transform me by the grace of the Holy Ghost.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Join the spiritual community of mothers in praying this novena for the discernment of God’s Will in our families. HOME EDUCATION NOVENA