Day Three of the Home Education #hsnovena

Below is a prayer for mothers, adapted from #MotherLoveAManualforChristianMothers by Pius Franciscus OFM, Cap (1888).
Join the spiritual community of mothers in praying this novena for the discernment of God’s Will in our families. HOME EDUCATION NOVENA

My Vocation as Mother
O Gracious God, I thank You, that You have given me children, made them heirs of heaven by holy Baptism, and entrusted their training to me.
Permeate me with a deep devotion to this most dignified responsibility; assist me in the care of their health, but especially in the preservation of their innocence and purity of heart.
Grant that I may teach them early to know and serve You, and to love You completely. Grant that I myself may carefully avoid all that I must forbid them, and may diligently practice all that I should teach them.
The fulfillment of this charge is beyond the capabilities of your humble servant but inspired by your love for them I confidently call upon the grace you so generously make available to me through the sacramental blessing of my marriage and I implore you to transform me into a holy and wise mother.
Inspire me to hold dearly to the example of your own beloved mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. I commend these dear children, O God, to Your paternal care and to the guardianship of Your holy angels.
Bless, O heavenly Father, my little efforts. May my children’s advancement in years be to Your honor, and may they persevere to the end. Amen.
Receive also Almighty God these specific requests related to my children and my role as their mother…and transform me by the grace of the Holy Ghost.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

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