After a break filled with health scares, holy days, family outings, and cherished restful days with my beloved, we are easing back into our regular daily rhythm. It’s a gentle but necessary shift, one that mirrors the wisdom Holy Mother Church offers us in her liturgical timing.
How prudent it is, as Catholics, to align our lives with the liturgical calendar that the Church has established—times for feasting and fasting, rest and labor, prayer and work. It’s not about perfection but about deepening our love and obedience to our duties of state, trusting that each small act done with great love has eternal significance.
“A steadfast attention to the work at hand, with no hurry or agitation, is the surest way to accomplish it well.” #StFrancisdeSales
The rhythm of daily life, grounded in faith and simplicity, is an offering of love to God and those entrusted to us.
I give thanks for the moments of respite and for the beauty of God’s creation, which has nourished us in every way. Those sacred pauses, shared with family and embraced in His love, have renewed us for the tasks ahead.
Now we return, not with burdens, but with joy—grateful for the order that sustains us and ready to carry on, step by step, for His greater glory. 🙏🏼