Holy Week & Easter Reflections
We started the Holy week with Mass as a family, assisting the elderly, removal of all outside activity (aside from Church) and limiting socialization. My DH and I were called to this practice of elimination and reflection a few years back. It was not an easy call to answer as we had to detach from those activities that were of interest to us but ultimately in the way of us honoring Christ. We continue to pray about this call every year before and during the Lenten season. At times, when we have begun to waiver but remain patient in prayer, His blessings are bestowed upon us. This Lenten season was no different. Our family has been brought closer to Our Lord as we attempt to put him first in all things no matter how inconvenient or radical. We want to live as though we’re in the 11th hour and be ready for Him at any moment.
You too must stand ready, because the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect. – Lk 12:24
Sparkles reminded us of our Resurrection Eggs we created years ago. I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to find them in all the boxes (from our last move). Rose came to the rescue and knew exactly where to find them. She is such a help to us all. At Sparkles request, we mediated on the resurrection eggs and scripture every day. Sweetie can now tell the story of Christ from heart and Papi knows where all the items go, in order.

Therefore, everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on rock. – Mt 7:24
We attended Mass on Holy Thursday. The girls presented their Lenten collection for the Bishop’s Pregnancy Resource Center. Rose presented the family’s flower offering for the Altar of Repose. It was a long evening for the children. Mass started at 6pm and ended at 9:30. Unfortunately, we were unable to stay for Adoration.
On Good Friday we attended Church and restricted our eating to one meal. The children removed snacks, treats, juice and other extras from their menu. Sweetie and I prepared our Good Friday soup that friends have made for us for the past 5 years, tomato bisque. As we made the soup Sweetie asked, “is this Jesus’ blood?!?!?” Although we never correlated the two, the soup and Christ’s blood he shed for us, it was a great connection. The soup was delicious and may be questionable for a sacrifice as we all anticipated it and savored every spoonful. We were sure to offer up its yumminess for His sufferings. We then watched our annual Good Friday film, Mel Gibson’s Passion of Christ. Papi slept and Sparkles & Sweetie watched other Holy movies and colored Easter pictures.

Lastly, on Easter Sunday Sparkles did her rounds. She is always the first to rise and is so pleasant. This morning, was no different. She greeted everyone with a Happy Easter. By now the children know that all treats must wait till after Mass. They know that they must first give to the Lord before they receive. It also helps them grow in the virtu
e of patience. The children chose their breakfast, cereal. Yes, this is a treat and their favorite, “smarshmellow “cereal. We don’t mind, it’s a time saver to our already busy morning. The children rise at 7am, Mass starts at 10:30, Rose need to be there 45 min early to sing and the drive takes us an hour (or more). Don’t forget, they still have to put on their Easter attire, brush teeth, style hair, pack snacks, and find the missing shoes. Rose helped me prepare the night before so everything ran smoothly. Praise be to God!
We arrived home after 1:30pm and were ready to eat! First the children reminded us of their Easter baskets. Sweetie even JOYously went to her timeout from a previous indiscretion. Shortly after, they went to town with their baskets.
Sweetie and Sparkles received Irish dance lessons and dance shoes. Rose also received dance lessons but her shoes are on order. I decided to make her a special personalized treat, a clipboard. I even included her motto: Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam (AMDG). Papi was happy with his bubbles and two new sippie cups for his yogurt juice.
I started cooking while they rummaged through the rest of their goodies.
Our Easter was planned to be a simple dinner for us only. My parents were out of town and my sister’s family took the opportunity to have their Easter dinner at their new home. We looked forward to a simple day with family. We decided to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for Easter. We though it fitting since we give thanksgiving for His dying and rising, and it’s the children’s favorite. Papi definitely broke his Lenten fast and had three servings. The rest of the children had a trouble slowing down. For desert we had a simple chocolate cake and jelly beans, at the children’s request. Rose’s pumpkin pie had to wait for Monday since we didn’t plan for its two hour set time. It was a Holy day celebrated with simplicity and the children’s requests.
Later we went outside for some fresh air. We had an exciting water gun demo for all the neighbors. My DH, as usual was the instigator. The children had such a JOYous time and reluctantly went in to warm up in the bath. Meanwhile, Rose locked her dad out of the side door where he went to ambush us from behind the
fence with the water hose. I left him there for a while. I thought it was a punishment fit for his crime, soaking his wife. I managed to get one picture of him in between Rose taunting him with the dessert he was missing out on. He then heckled back, “take a picture of you putting the kids to bed by yourself.” Yes, that’s my DH always a wise guy. I let him in shortly after and gave him the privilege of bathing the little ones. Praise be to God for our delicious food, family time, beautiful day, DH’s sense of humor, children’s smiles and Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ!!
We will continue to JOYously celebrate Eater for 50 days until Pentecost.
Easter JOY to you!

The JOY of the Risen Jesus
The JOY of Jesus is
the sunshine of His Father’s love
The JOY of Jesus is
the hope of eternal happiness
The JOY of Jesus is
the flame of burning love
Easter is this JOY and
I wish you, His JOY.
You cannot have JOY without
sacrifice – that is why Good Friday
comes before Easter.
Love for one another –is this JOY – they will know you are Mine – by the love you have for one another (Jn 13:35)
(More Lenten & Easter reflections to come!)
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