Below is an Advent proposal from a faithful Shepherd.

“…Advent, that wonderful season of preparation of the feast of Christmas marking that event that changed history forever in the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world who is God and man.
The season…is marked by darkness as we approach the shortest day of the year…The birth of the Christ Child is the beginning of the conquering of the darkness of sin and death, the essence of hope that Light will conquer darkness.
It has become a popular custom in the Christmas season for candles to be placed in the window of homes as a symbol of the Light of the world who was born into this world over two thousand years ago.
I have always been a stickler about not anticipating Christmas too far in advance. I have always insisted on keeping Advent almost in opposition to the secular and commercial push to begin Christmas on Thanksgiving Day and ending it on Christmas Eve.
So I have always frowned on Christmas decor being displayed before at least the O Antiphons. I…refrain from listening to Christmas music before late Advent. No candles in the windows until after the feast of St. Lucy.
But this year is deeply different…the past year has been one of social & political turmoil that has caused great pain to all…
But just as significant is the rupture of familial and social bonds. Loneliness is the norm. The lack of touch, of embrace,…, for Catholics the deprivation of participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,…this is a cause of deep sadness that cannot be quantified by charts and admonitions.
…I offer a modest proposal. Let every Catholic home put candles in the windows of their homes beginning on the First Sunday of Advent.
This year is not a time to wait until Christmas is imminent.
Those lights in our windows have to shineforth in this time of physical & spiritual darkness to proclaim to those around us that Christ is the Light of the world especially in times of terrible darkness.
And let those lights shine forth every night in Advent and through Christmastide to the glorious feast of the Epiphany commemorating the whole world brought to Christ by the light of a Star.
…in our own and small way amidst this real pain we must remind the world of the Good News of Jesus Christ who alone can pierce the darkness of this world.
Put those candles in your windows and witness to the Light in the darkness!”
You can read Fr. Cipolla’s complete address at Rorate Caeli.