We prepare to enter deeper into silence this Advent and greatly appreciated the good shepherds that continue to be about the business of their God given duties.
Below is an excerpt of a powerful reflection & vow from Archbishop Vigano for the upcoming feast of the Immaculate Conception.

“The Church of Catholics, …that loves those who honor themselves with the name of Christian, …does not retreat before civil authority, thereby making herself an accomplice and courtesan of it, but rather the Church that endures persecution with courage and a supernatural gaze, knowing that it is better to die amidst the most atrocious torments than to offend the Most Blessed Virgin and Her Divine Son.
She is the Church that does not…
remain silent when the tyrant defies the Majesty of God, afflicts her subjects, and betrays the justice and authority that legitimizes it.
yield in the face of blackmail nor allow herself to be seduced by power or money.
She is the Church that ascends Calvary, as the Mystical Body of Christ, in order to complete in her own members the sufferings of the Redeemer and to rise again triumphantly with Him.
She is the Church who assists the weak and the oppressed with mercy and charity, while she stands fearless and terrible in the face of the arrogant and the proud.
…We have the promise of Mary Most Holy: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
Let us bow before that heart, which beats with the most pure Charity, so that the flame of that holy love may reflect on each one of us, so that the flame which burns in it may illuminate our minds and make them capable of grasping the signs of the times.
And if our Shepherds are silent out of fear or complicity, the multitude of lay people and good souls have the opportunity to compensate for their betrayal and expiate their sins, invoking the Mercy of God who “has come to the help of his servant, Israel, remembering his mercy” (Lk 1:54).
Today the high priests of this modern Sanhedrin outrage Our Lord and His Most Holy Mother, complacent servants of the globalist élite who want to establish the kingdom of Satan; tomorrow they will retreat before the victory of the Virgo Potens, who will restore the Holy Church and will give peace and harmony to society, thanks to the prayers and sacrifices of so many of her humble and unknown children.
May this be our vow for the upcoming Feast of the Immaculate Conception, with which to honor Our Lady and Queen.”

You can read the full address from Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, here.