We remain in the Octave of Pentecost, in which the Church celebrates more especially the glories of the grace of the Holy Ghost and His secret work of sanctification in the Mystical Body of Christ.
Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday in the week are the Ember Days of Pentecost.

Pope St. Leo the Great extended the Pentecost Festivities, like the Octave of Easter, through the entire week.
For many centuries, Pentecost Monday and Pentecost Tuesday were Holy Days of Obligation.
The fasting and abstinence on the Ember Days of Pentecost is unique in the Church as these are the only Ember Days celebrated without violet vestments. The Ember Days of Pentecost are meant to be a joyful fast.
Read the images below for instruction from #domprospergeuranger and the traditional observances of fasting & abstinence.