The words and life of today’s saint are piercing. St. Raymund Nonnatus was delivered via cesarean after his mother had already died in childbirth. In his earliest years, he chose the Queen of Heaven as his mother and clung to her his entire life.

He is the patron of:
• babies
• children
• infants
• midwives

Below is practical consideration from #frWeninger 1976
Saint Raymund, at the close of his days, gave fervent thanks to the Almighty for all favors bestowed upon him, and thus ended his life full of heavenly comfort. To give thanks to God is a duty which we ought to perform every morning and evening; for, no day, no night passes in which we, do not partake of the bounty of the Lord. You thank men who bestow kindness upon you; why then do you not thank God who has overwhelmed you with favors, and still grants them to you daily. Do not forget your duty, but attend to it every day. Give thanks to Him also at the end of each month, in consideration of so many benefits which you have received from Him and for which you did not even ask. Whom have you to thank that you did not die during the past four weeks; that you have dot been condemned to eternal flames, as so many that have been called away? Whence comes it that you were preserved from the dangers and misfortunes that befell so many others? that time and opportunity are left you to work out your salvation, whilst thousands no longer possess them? Most assuredly, these are all benefits of the Almighty which you deserve much less than a great many others. Is it not just that you should give fervent thanks to God at the end of each month? But is your soul in such a condition that you can end this month or close your life, as peacefully as Saint Raymund? Ah! if you had lived as he did, if you had constantly practiced good works, and had borne adversity with his patience, you might be comforted now, as well as at the end of your days. As, however, this is unhappily not the case, repent of your wickedness and indolence with your whole heart, and pray humbly for grace to make better use of the next month. Endeavor to atone, during the same, for your past negligence, that, one day you may not sigh uselessly: “I have had empty months.” (Job 8) “Who will grant me that I might be according to the months past” (Job 29)