We ended yesterday’s glorious feast of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM with our Advent family devotions AND further discussed what our 17 year old began with Father in her civics & religion lessons from earlier in the week.

The same year that Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, he released a major proclamation. It is one that has long been forgotten. But it is one that we should well be aware of as it contains condemnations — the errors that built the modern world. These are much of the errors of our current time, and many of which are promoted within the NO church, including the current hierarchy.

If you’ve never read it, are not aware of it, or haven’t revisited in some time — do so now!

The Syllabus of Errors is an important papal document that was sent to all the bishops of the Catholic world in 1864 “in order that these same bishops may have before their eyes all the errors and pernicious doctrines which he [Pius IX] has reprobated and condemned.”
The Syllabus is a catalog of 80 erroneous propositions, a list of the most common errors of modern thinking.
It is grouped under ten separate headings, each proposition is cross-referenced to the specific Papal document where the particular proposition was discussed—and condemned as erroneous.
This document is useful for us to have a better understanding of what we’re dealing with in our current times and within the Church — all of which will continue to affect our future and that of the world.
Immaculate mary, pray for us!
Pope Pius IX. “The Syllabus of Errors.” Papal Encyclicals, 18 Dec. 2017, https://www.papalencyclicals.net/pius09/p9syll.htm.
Pope Pius IX. “Quantra Cura & The Syllabus of Errors.” Angelus Press, Feb. 2017, https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1527/1691/files/Quanta_Cura.pdf.