There is no exercise which is more pleasing to God, or more meritorious, or which has greater influence in infusing solid piety into the soul, than the assisting at the holy sacrifice of the Mass. If this be true at all the various seasons of the Christian year, it is so, in a very special manner, during the holy time of Advent. The faithful, therefore, should make every effort in order to enjoy this precious blessing, even on those days when they are not obliged to it by the precept of the Church. #domprospergueranger
The Rorate Mass is a special votive mass for Our Lady during Advent, traditionally celebrated by candlelight in the early morning. As the Mass ends the sky is just starting to glow with the new day and we journey from darkness to light and the coming of the Word Made Flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mother is upon us.

The beauty and austerity of the morning can not be put into words. The senses are drawn in more than ever before.
This year, it is my time — no need to stay behind with littles or reserve my energy for pregnancy. I do not squander the opportunity. We rise at 3:30am to prepare to assist at Holy Mass. We must arrive early to get a seat. The extra hour and a half with our Lord is a sweet Advent consolation for me.

We long for the darkness that we will be surrounded with in the Church, the world, and that which is placed before us for this Holy Mass. We impress the necessity for us to trust in the maternal love of Our Lady for all our needs as we prepare for Holy Mass.

Holy Mass begins and all the worries fade. The darkness is almost unnoticeable as all the senses are drawn into the True Light.
It’s all a beautiful preparation for the Christchild.
I give thanks for this glorious gift!
Divine Infant King Jesus, come down into our hearts!

Have you been blessed to attend a Rorate Mass this Advent or in a past Advent?
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