You’re invited to join in community with other traditional Catholic women!

“Love your neighbor…with a great, charitable love, but befriend only those with whom you can be mutually supportive in virtue.
The higher the virtues that you put into these relationships, the more perfect will your friendship be.
If your mutual exchanges deal with knowledge, your friendship is certainly very laudable; it will be even better if they deal with the moral virtues such as prudence, discretion, strength, justice…; but if they pertain to charity, the love of God, Christian perfection, then this friendship is truly precious and excellent: excellent because it comes from God, excellent because it tends toward God, excellent because its bond is God, excellent because it will endure eternally in God.
Oh, how good it is to be loved on earth the way one is loved in Heaven, and to learn to cherish each other in this world as we shall do eternally in the other!” -St. Francis de Sales
Let us grow in friendship, virtue, and the Faith.
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