Some of the most transformative Lents for my family’s spiritual lives have been the times when we made a move towards the traditions of the Church.
They have not been easy by any means. Most of the time they have been met with attacks from the enemy. We do not question that our Heavenly Father allowed them to try us and refine us.
Lent ‘07 was one of those years for us. My husband and I believe it was a pivotal point in our lives — filled with immense grace, stripping, heavy crosses, true joy, and refinement that led us closer to Our Lord.
So, when I’m asked, “where is the best place to start” or what I suggest for a family Lenten plan, I most always refer back to that Lent. It included all that has been traditionally prescribed for Lent – penance, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and a separation form the world.

The following is a list of what I suggest for anyone desiring to make a fervent Lent. It’s the basis of what we followed then/now. I invite you to use it and join me and others in #comingtotradition
Pick one item in each category or just pick one category. Do do it right-ordered — with prayer & discernment, approval of your husband, and with spiritual direction from a solid traditional priest (especially if it could be considered outside of the norm or extreme).
- Grow in Devotion to Our Blessed Mother
- Return to the traditions of the Church
- Offer mortification as reparation for your offenses against modesty or any other sin
- Create, refine, or more vigorously live out your Rule of Life
This list is general so it can be used for all. For example, the second category could be to attend the TLM or pray the DO if you already attend the TLM, or observe traditional requirements of fasting. One must take into account their current spiritual lives (personal and familial), physical state, duties, and the like.
I have expanded on all of the above recently and over the years — on my site, posts, or stories. I’m happy to answer any questions or expand further.

You can also check out #comingtotradition on Instragram to see how other mamas have journeyed to the Tridentine Mass. We invite you to share your own journey towards the traditions of the Church or join us in any way. ALL FOR!
I’ll leave you with the words of Dom Prosper Gueranger as you continue to discern your Lenten plan or go further enter into your Lenten plan.
“The institution of Lent is thus brought before us with everything that can impress the mind with its solemn character and with its power to appease God and purify our souls. Look beyond the little world that surrounds us and see how the entire Christian universe is, at this very time, offering forty days’ penance as a sacrifice of propitiation to the offended Majesty of God. Let us hope that, as in the case of the Ninivites, He will mercifully accept this year’s offering of our atonement and pardon us our sins.”

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