My beloved celebrated another year of life. Deo gratias!

He is a glorious husband and father who is always striving to be and do better.
He takes his duties as the head of the family very seriously – as nature imposes it on him, God wills it, and his salvation depends on it.
He honors me in the presence of all — my children, friends, strangers, and before priests. He loves me greatly and helps me to sanctify myself.
There is no doubt in my mind that he loves me as his own body, as himself. He strives after that which enables me to flourish in joy & peace.
The sweetness of his love tempers the force of his God-given authority.
His love is tender and pure, with God as its motive and end; vigilant and devoted, giving with kindness to me all that I need to live and to keep my position.
He supports me in my infirmities and defects with a tender charity, and shares in my joys and sorrows with compassion.
He serves as a means of sanctification for me, and makes it a priority to pray with me. It is by his good example, the sweetness of his virtue, and his charity, that he wins my esteem and affection and sustains me in the right path.
He works at establishing a union with me that is not just physical, but also emotional and spiritual. He constantly remembers that I need emotional support and friendship from him. I never go neglected.
He embraces his duties as a father — to make of them good and manly Christians, useful citizens, and saints for heaven.
He raises our children in the fear of God, corrects them, and seeks to settle them decently in the world.
He completes and consolidates the education which I begin as he has discerned best for our children.
His grace of authority and of strength lends extra power to his words — winning them over.
We give thanks for him everyday and most especially as we celebrate the gift of his life. May God grant him many more years!
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