My primary goal of homeschooling is to take my children to a place of refuge where they can fall in love with Jesus, with training and instruction befitting the Lord. Eph 6:4
I am ready to embark on this new season that I find myself. I trust that He has been preparing me all along. ad Jesum per Mariam.
I will be adopting a more structured approach as I set a new foundation for my littles. I imagine it to be different than Rose’s home education but consentient with our commitment to educate in the natural rhythm of our daily lives, in union with the liturgical calendar, centered around the Holy Mass.
The kids will be following a Catholic, Classical, Charlotte Mason approach. All four kids, from pre-school – grade 4, will be studying the same subjects — Ancient & Classical Times; Animal and Plant.
This year’s curriculum will be provided by Schola Rosa.
The (Schola Rosa) program is organized around a three-year historical cycle and includes materials for pre-k through 12th grades. The beginner level (pre-K to 6th) covers English/Poetry, Religion/Catechism, Science, Art, Music, History, Virtue-Training, Latin/Greek and incorporates the Classically Catholic Memory program. In addition to lesson plans for all subjects, the online suite includes worksheets, group activity/ field trip plans, digital books, audio readings, links to resources, maps, and more.
It has been a complete answer to my prayers, providing me with a solid and complete model, allowing room for me to deviate as desired but providing structure when needed (due to health, move, or other demands of life within a large family). Best of all, it fit within my modest budget and does not require numerous purchases for supporting materials. I give praise and thanksgiving to the good Lord for leading me to this resource that will assist me in furthering His call for my family.
This year’s core will continue to be focused on our Sacramental life. We continue to seek to put Him first in our daily lives and school. We pray for His grace and provision to make this a consistent reality.
In addition to daily Mass, Dad will lead us with the following spiritual maxims:
- Angelus
- Renewal of Marian Consecration (use Children’s consecration)
- Study the Mass – Year II
- Daily Rosary (min. 2 Mysteries-10 decades)
- Latin Prayers
- Daily Readings & Saint Study
- Virtue Study
- Nightly Examination of Conscience
- Bible Study
- Breviary
- Monthly recollection
- Bi-monthly Spiritual read
- Begin First Communion prep with the boys
- Begin Confirmation prep with the girls
Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Christina, Our Lady of Fatima, St. Bernadette, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Out Lady of Mount Carmel, St. Clare, St. Alexandria, St. Alexandra, Our Lady of Lordes, St. John the Baptist, St. John, St. Paul, St. Matthew, St. George, St. Gennaro, St. Maximilian, St. Lawrence, St. Barbara, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. John Chrysostom, St. Valentine of Rome, and St. Guy of Anderlecht ~ Orate pro nobis.
*This year’s school picture includes Rose, our alumna and big sis. She is now 18 and away at a beautiful college, Fisher More College. She remains and integral part of our hearts and homeschooling efforts.
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi
“as we pray, so we believe, so we live”
Hello Lena!
I was just wondering which test Rose took (SAT or ACT)? I am in my Junior year and was just curious. Thank you.
Rose took the SAT. She did not have plans to go to college but wanted to take the basic steps so that the Good Lord could move as she continued to discern His will.
Our desired CATHOLIC college did not require any testing (with good reason). Also, the primary weight was placed on the required letter of recommendation from the student’s Pastor (of a traditional parish). My point is, research where you are interested in attending and adhere to their protocol. Don’t be afraid to make contact with the administration. They want to help students who desire to be a part of their community.
@ Lena – Thank you so much for getting back to me. I will be taking the SAT as well. Yes I am trying to also take the basic steps for the Lord can move me according to His will. Thomas More sounds like a wonderful college!
This is a wonderful post, Lena! We started homeschooling last week but our kiddo got sick and we only got 1 ½ days in! So, we’re going to start over tomorrow. Flexibility is one of the many joys of homeschooling. 😉 I love all the spiritual maxims you’re doing this year and I’m praying for discernment about what we’ll add to our year.
We had planned on doing Classically Catholic Memory this year but our financial situation made that impossible. I’m hoping we’ll start in the spring or at the very least next fall. Our son is only 4 so I’m not going to stress over it. I was going to do Classical Conversations with him (my sister is doing CC as well) but I’m so thankful God lead us to CCM!! It’s just what we were hoping to find. Could you please give an update (in a couple months) on how it’s working for you and your kids?
May God bless you and your family this homeschooling year!