I apologize for the brief recap. Unfortunately, I have waited too long to create this post and my placenta brain has taken hold of what little recollection I once had. I hope to add more to this post as I am able.
Rosa Mystica Girls’s Society met for our third meeting of the 2012-13 Session on First Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012. There were twenty-eight girls in attendance for Mass (as a group) and thirty-two girls for the meeting.
The girls went to their assigned group: Love of God, Industry, Truthfulness, Humility, Piety, and Obedience.
Father B gave his lesson on Love of God with reflection on the life of a saint. — More details to come. —
The girls were given their second overview of their sewing project, a simple apron. Each girl was instructed to begin where they left off from the previous meeting.
A complete tutorial for this project was handed out at the previous meeting and is to be included in the girls’ Hospitality Binders.
Four sewing machines were assigned to the older girls so that they could start their sewing. While three machines were reserved for the younger girls to finish up their already started aprons.
There were a few girls who needed to prep their apron. Those girls were given pre-cut fabric and ties. They were instructed to complete the necessary steps so that they could begin their sewing at next month’s meeting.
- turn ties if needed
- iron waist and neck ties
- pin ties to top fabric
- pin lining to top fabric, enclosing the ties
- help one another
As always, the sewing helpers did a wonderful job instructing the girls while allowing them to be an active participant in the sewing process.
Girls waiting for the sewing machines and girls who completed their aprons, diligently worked on the embroidery name tags. All girls were encouraged to help their neighbor when able.
Fr. B. made his way back to our meeting to supervise the girl’s sewing skills. Fr. B. knows a thing or two about sewing! He also provided the girls and moms with some entertainment.
There were no handouts for this meeting since it was a follow-up of virtue and sewing skills from our meeting in October. The girls were encouraged to take out their Hospitality Binders and work on previous handouts.
AGENDA – Hospitality ~ Love of God ~ Sewing II
The girls wrapped up their projects and labeled their work so that it could be easily found at the next meeting. Their group areas were tidied. The worker moms did their magic while I closed the meeting with a recap of the day’s lesson and skill.
The girls were informed that they could take home their apron with the consent of mom.
“Yes! You may take home the apron to work on it as long as you follow the directions that were given in class, bring it back the following month, and I have the consent of your mom.”
The girls were also praised for their hard work in our Fall Bake Sale on October 21.
We closed the meeting with the Angelus, led by Fr. B.
Our Lady of the Mystical Rose, pray for us!
Thank you to all the moms and girls who gave a hand with instruction and after the meeting for clean-up. We appreciate your help! Things were a bit hectic but it turned out great. We especially appreciate all the help from the moms sharing their skills on the sewing machine. Our goal is to assist the girls in following the complete directions (without deviation) in the skill set while being as hands-off as possible. It’s a fine dance but you all managed to make it look effortless. Great Job! We hope to see you all again for the next two months while we complete the aprons. ALL FOR!
Look like fun 🙂
Sorry, looks 🙂
Wow! Such a wonderful group!! What a blessing to witness…thank you for sharing –
This makes me want to start up our embroidery group again…