We are walking as a complete family in 2013 for the WC Walk for Life! DEO GRATIAS!!
We pray to help build up the culture of life.
Please raise up this effort and all those participating in your prayers.
WALK FOR LIFE WEST COAST ~ January 26, 2:30 PM ET; January 27, 9:30 AM ET – EWTN
“I was excited to go on the Walk for Life WC (2012) for the second time. I prayed as I walked. The crowd (opposition) made me sad because they were being mean to God. I prayed for them.
I pray that we all will love God and that He let them know that killing babies is wrong.” ~Sparkles, age 8
LIFE IS THE ONLY CHOICE – wonderful song but not for viewing (for all audiences)
May God abundantly bless you for standing up for the unborn! Love your new header too!!