Dad and I have finalized our Family Lenten Program, personal Lenten program, and the Lenten programs for all of our children. Praise God for the early start.
I am seeking to regain order in my home and to further simply during the Lenten season. I’m creating a Lenten Binder to organize all the programs, activities, prayers, and anything else that pertains to my family’s Lenten progress.
Rose and Sparkles will post the 2012 Lenten Calendar in the home, tomorrow after Mass. I will diligently work on the Lenten Binder. Copies of the following items will be included in the binder and posted on the fridge for easy access and accountability. I have a tendency to set my eyes on lofty spiritual goals, often more than I am capable of implementing to completion. The result is always the same, complete frustration and all that follows. I am praying that my family’s simple approach to this Lenten Season will produce the fruits that He wills for us.
As always, my family has removed ourselves from all extracurriculars not related to the Church or our livelihood. Our days will be centered around prayer. We will refrain from participating in superfluous social events – leaving the home only out of necessity for our state in life, Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, and of course, MASS.
All technology use will be kept to a minimum. The TV that was used for videos is being removed from the home for the entire Lenten Season (and beyond – God willing). My computer use is still being discerned since Dad and I are not in complete agreement. I say, remove it entirely and he says, use it in moderation. My nature is all or nothing. I don’t want to inflict undue hardship on myself by not working within my means. Ultimately, I will submit to what Dad decides – ALL FOR!
In addition, my family will recommit to a lifestyle change that He has called us to follow. **I listed my plan here.** It has not been easy to break free from the poor diet that we had become accustomed to eating but He continues to give us the graces to move down this path so that I can have a complete restoration of health and my family can be nourished with real food – all for His glory!
Prayers for a blessed and fruitful Lenten Season.
I’ve listed a small portion of my family’s daily Lenten Calendar. You may click on the title above for a download to my complete calendar.
- Monday 20 – Feria, 4th Class
- Clean Monday
- 7 pm adult Catechism lesson from Fr. Lyons
- Tuesday 21 – Shrove Tuesday – Feria, 4th Class
- Corporal Work of Mercy – visit the elderly
- fun and fellowship
- family work day at parish
- Wed. 22 – ASH Wednesday, 1st Class
- 7 pm High Mass
- Thur. 23 – Chair of St. Peter, 1st Class (for FSSP)
- Adoration
- 7 pm High Mass
- Friday 24 – Friday after Ash Wednesday, 3rd Class
- Mass & Stations of the Cross
- Saturday 25 – St. Matthias, AP, 2nd Class
- 9 AM Mass
- First Holy Communion preparation
- family work day at parish
- Sunday 26 – First Sunday of Lent
- Monday 27 – Feria of Lent, 3rd Class
- 10 am prayer at abortion clinic
- Clean Monday
- 7 pm adult Catechism lesson from Fr. Lyons
- Tuesday 28 – Feria of Lent, 3rd Class
- Wed. 29 – Ember Wednesday, 2nd Class
The following charts are to serve as checklists. I used a printable chore chart, found here to complete these Lenten charts.
I have printed two copies of each chart listed below. One copy will go into my Lenten Binder and the other copy will be laminated for durability and use with a white-board pen. The laminated charts will be displayed in a prominent spot so that we can better manage this year’s Lenten program.
Daily Family Lenten Program:
- Morning Offering
- Angelus
- Daily Readings – 1962 Roman Missal
- Lenten Reflection – Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa
- Angelus
- Total Consecration Readings – True Devotion to Mary & Leading the Little Ones to Mary
- Examen
- Rosary – Meditations by St. Louis de Montfort
- Compline
Daily Prayer Meditation & Intention:
- Mon – Souls in Purgatory & End to Abortion
- Tue – Holy Angels & Conversion of Family
- Wed – St. Joseph & Godparents & Godchildren
- Thur – Holy Eucharist & Pope Benedict XVI & Priests
- Fri – Crucifixion & The Sick
- Sat – Blessed Virgin Mary & Vocations
- Sun – Blessed Trinity & Poor, homeless, and those in great need
Family Lenten Activities:
- Review personal Lenten program chart (daily)
- Update the Sacrifice Bean Jar for sacrifices/almsgiving (daily)
- Pick Cleaning item out of jar & perform assigned task from the Lenten Cleaning Calendar (Mon.-Sat. with an emphasize on Mondays)
- Family service at parish (Saturday)
- Adoration (Thursday)
- Mass & Stations of the Cross (Friday)
- Mass (Saturday)
Each member of my family has a custom chart. This is blank chart for your own use.
Now it is only right that, before we arrive at that glory of impassibility and immortality which began in Christ, and which was acquired for us through Christ, we should be shaped after the pattern of Christ’s sufferings. It is then only right that Christ’s liability to suffer should remain in us too for a time, as a means of our coming to the impassibility of glory in the way He himself came to it. ~Meditations For Lent – St. Thomas Aquinas, (1-2 85 5 ad 2.)
Pax Christi,
- St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
- Sexagesima Sunday
- St. Matthias
- Chair of St. Peter
- Septuagesima Sunday
- Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- The Way of the Cross
- How to Attend Mass
- Lenten Resolution Renewal
- Lenten Family Joy Journal
- My Biggest Sacrifice
- Counsels of Perfection for CHRISTIAN MOTHERS
- Daily Meditations
- Pre-Lenten Recap
- Charity is…
- Resurrection Eggs
- Lenten Calendar & Family Lenten Program
- L-E-N-T
Thank you, Lena, for sharing the fruits of your ongoing discernment and efforts with us. As always, you are pulling me along on a journey that I am hardly equipped for! I have been particularly scattered lately and “Lent is coming” is always in the back of my mind. I think it and say it but my mind and hands are so occupied that I can’t seem to pin down a concrete plan for growth. Then, of course, it will be upon me and I will be scrambling. What a blessing your blog is. Your husband knows best what computer access should be in your home during this time… but may I suggest that some of us would be sad to see you go even for a little while? lol. I’m not trying to pressure you. I know how it is. I just want you to know that your posts are a help and consolation to others.
I’m printing off your template tonight (thank you!)… it’s time to enter in! ALL FOR!
Thank you for the outline of your Lenten devotions, this is something to aspire to! I am going to limit the internet to 1 hour per day, and this will be quite a sacrafice for me, but good.
These ideas are great!! I gave up facebook for lent last year and through that exercise, I have become self-disciplined in the use of internet. I now am always aware of how much I’m on it and how much I should or shouldn’t be. Of course, I can’t give that up this lent – my husband is deployed and my only way of communicating is w/ the computer. Thanks for making your lists. I will come back to them every year. =)